4.3 Downloading Installation Files and Preparing the Management Container

This section provides steps for downloading installation files and preparing the Management Container for OAA, OARM, and OUA.

The Management Container installation can take place from any node that has access to deploy to the Kubernetes cluster. During installation the Management Container pod will deploy to one of the nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Download the latest OAA installation Image <OAA_Image>.zip from My Oracle Support by referring to the document ID 2723908.1.
  2. On the node where you will run the Management container installation, create a $WORKDIR/oaaimages directory and copy the <OAA_Image>.zip to it:
    mkdir -p $WORKDIR/oaaimages
    cd $WORKDIR/oaaimages
    cp <download_location>/<OAA_Image>.zip .
    unzip <OAA_Image>.zip

    This will give you a <tar_file_name>.tar file.

  3. Navigate to the $WORKDIR/oaaimages/oaa-install directory and copy the install template file to installOAA.properties:
    cd $WORKDIR/oaaimages/oaa-install
    cp installOAA.properties.template installOAA.properties
  4. Prepare this installOAA.properties as per Preparing the Properties file for Installation