4.8.1 Post Installation Steps for All Installations

Follow these post installation steps for all installation types; OAA only, OAA-OARM, OARM only, and OAA-OARM-OUA.

Import the policy snapshot by performing the following steps:

  1. Obtain the latest snapshot policy file from My Oracle Support by referring to the document ID 2723908.1.


    If the latest snapshot file is not available, use the /u01/oracle/scripts/oarm- file inside the management container.
  2. Copy the latest snapshot file to the <NFS_CONFIG_PATH>.
  3. Edit the <NFS_CONFIG_PATH>/installOAA.properties and add the following parameters to the bottom of the Common Deployment configuration:


    If not using the latest snapshot file set: common.deployment.import.snapshot.file=/u01/oracle/scripts/settings/oarm-
  4. Enter a bash shell for the OAA management pod if not already inside one:
    kubectl exec -n <namespace> -ti <oaamgmt-pod> -- /bin/bash
    For example:
    kubectl exec -n oaans -ti oaamgmt-oaa-mgmt-7dfccb7cb7-lj6sv9 -- /bin/bash
  5. Run the following command inside the bash shell to import the policy snapshot:
    cd ~/scripts
    ./importPolicySnapshot.sh -f settings/installOAA.properties


    This will use the installOAA.properties in the <NFS_CONFIG_PATH>.

    The snapshot will import and if successful you will see the message Successfully applied snapshot: 10001 or similar.

    Exit the bash shell.

  6. Edit the <NFS_CONFIG_PATH>/installOAA.properties and change the following parameter at the bottom of the Common Deployment configuration:


    This is an important step to avoid overwriting and erasing policies during a future upgrade.