5 Installing OAA, OARM, and OUA Using NGINX Ingress

OAA, OARM, and OUA installation supports installing and using Ingress in the following ways:

  • Installing Ingress Controller during OAA, OARM, and OUA Installation

    If you install an ingress controller as part of the installation, the controller is installed on one of the nodes of the cluster and listens on a random port. For example, https://worker1.example.com:30505.

    The certificates generated are self signed example certificates.

    For details, see Installing Ingress Controller during OAA, OARM, and OUA Installation

  • Installing your own Ingress Controller

    If you need to use your own certificates, you can install your own Ingress controller.

    For details, see Installing your own Ingress Controller

If after installing Ingress you want to front end the Ingress with another gateway, see Appendix A: Other Considerations.