Update questions of the user.



Questions that are associated with the user are returned. If user information is present, questions associated with the user is returned. These are questions preselected by the system to be used for KBA challenge.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/xml ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : QuestionsResponse
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : choices
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Choice
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : questions
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Question
Type: object
Show Source

401 Response

Unauthorized. User credentials invalid or not provided.
Body ()
Root Schema : KBAAPIResponse
Type: object
Show Source

422 Response

failed to get user questions for requested user.
Body ()
Root Schema : KBAAPIResponse
Type: object
Show Source

500 Response

Server error.
Body ()
Root Schema : KBAAPIResponse
Type: object
Show Source
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The following example shows a sample request and response for retrieving questions securely for a user. The questions associated with the user are returned if the user information is present. The system has preselected these questions to be used for the KBA challenge.

cURL Command to Retrieve a List of Questions Securely in JSON Format

curl --location --request PUT '<OAAService>/oaa-kba/runtime/kba/v1/getquestionssecurely' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64Encoded(<username>:<password>)>' \
--data '{
    "userid": "testuser4",
    "group": "testfinanceapp4"

Sample Response in JSON Format

    "status": "0",
    "message": "Successfully processed the request.",
    "choices": [
            "questions": [
                    "questionId": 52,
                    "question": "What is your eldest child's nickname?",
                    "active": true
                    "questionId": 21,
                    "question": "What is the first name of your significant other's eldest sibling?",
                    "active": false
                    "questionId": 6,
                    "question": "What is your maternal grandfather's first name?",
                    "active": false
                    "questionId": 44,
                    "question": "What was your favorite elective subject in high school?",
                    "active": false
                    "questionId": 90,
                    "question": "What is your favorite childhood song?",
                    "active": false
            "questions": [
                    "questionId": 89,
                    "question": "What was your favorite restaurant in high school?",
                    "active": true
                    "questionId": 34,
                    "question": "What year did you purchase your first car?",
                    "active": false
                    "questionId": 61,
                    "question": "Other than where you live, what's your favorite city?",
                    "active": false
                    "questionId": 124,
                    "question": "What was the year of your favorite soccer World Cup?",
                    "active": false
                    "questionId": 57,
                    "question": "What color was your first pet?",
                    "active": false
            "questions": [
                    "questionId": 56,
                    "question": "Where did you get your first pet?",
                    "active": true
                    "questionId": 4,
                    "question": "What was the first street you lived on?",
                    "active": false
                    "questionId": 13,
                    "question": "What is the most unusual job you have had?",
                    "active": false
                    "questionId": 53,
                    "question": "What was the name of the hospital your youngest child was born in?",
                    "active": false
                    "questionId": 22,
                    "question": "What is your significant other's favorite color?",
                    "active": false

cURL Command to Retrieve a List of Questions Securely in XML Format

curl --location --request PUT '<OAAService>/oaa-kba/runtime/kba/v1/getquestionssecurely' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
--header 'Accept: application/xml' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64Encoded(<username>:<password>)>' \
--data '
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Sample Response in XML Format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
	<message>Successfully processed the request.</message>
			<question>What is your eldest child's nickname?</question>
			<question>What is the first name of your significant other's eldest sibling?</question>
			<question>What is your maternal grandfather's first name?</question>
			<question>What was your favorite elective subject in high school?</question>
			<question>What is your favorite childhood song?</question>
			<question>What was your favorite restaurant in high school?</question>
			<question>What year did you purchase your first car?</question>
			<question>Other than where you live, what's your favorite city?</question>
			<question>What was the year of your favorite soccer World Cup?</question>
			<question>What color was your first pet?</question>
			<question>Where did you get your first pet?</question>
			<question>What was the first street you lived on?</question>
			<question>What is the most unusual job you have had?</question>
			<question>What was the name of the hospital your youngest child was born in?</question>
			<question>What is your significant other's favorite color?</question>
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