8 Known Issues and Workarounds

The following are issues and workarounds associated with this release of the connector:

8.1 The Custom Schema Feature of IBM DB2 is not Supported

You can create a custom schema in the IBM DB2 database. Currently, the connector does not support custom schema and thus you cannot generate the DBAT connector using custom schema attributes of IBM DB2.

If you configure the DBATConfiguration.groovy file by creating a table (for example, VCDOG44B_SECR_SRC) using custom schema attributes and try to run the DBAT Generator, the following error is encountered:

"FINE DatabaseTableConfiguration: Get for a key MSG_INVALID_TABLE_NAME connector message Invalid table name (TABLE_NAME). FINE SchemaApiOp: Exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid table name (TABLE_NAME)."

As a workaround, you must configure the default or user schema that is defined in the DBATConfiguration.groovy file and then run the DBAT Generator.

8.2 Unable to Generate CI Build When DBATConfiguration.groovy File is Configured Using Data Source and JNDI Properties

While generating CI build using DBATConfiguration.groovy file configured with data source and JNDI properties, the build generation fails with the following error:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Remote JDBC disabled

The cause of this issue is missing wlfulclient.jar, which is required for build generation. This JAR file has been deprecated in Oracle Identity Governance 12c and later releases. Currently, there is no alternative JAR file available.

8.3 Connector Operations Using Connector Server Fail

When the Database Application Tables connector is configured using connector server in basic configurations and by configuring data source and JNDI properties in advance configurations, the connector operations fails with the following error:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Remote JDBC disabled

The cause of this issue is missing wlfulclient.jar, which is required to be placed in the connector server. This JAR file has been deprecated from Oracle Identity Governance 12c and later releases. Currently, there is no alternative JAR file available. However, you can use the respective JDBC URL template instead of DataSource and JNDI properties.