3.2 Advanced Settings Parameters

These are the configuration-related entries that the connector uses during reconciliation and provisioning operations.


  • Unless specified, do not modify entries in the below table.
  • All parameters in the below table are mandatory.

Table 3-2 Advanced Settings Parameters

Parameter Description

This entry holds the relative URL of every object class supported by this connector and the connector operations that can be performed on these object classes. This is a mandatory attribute while creating an application.

Default value:

"__ACCOUNT__.SEARCHOP=/rest/api/$(api_version)$/user$(Filter Suffix)$&startAt=$(PAGE_OFFSET)$&maxResults=$(PAGE_SIZE)$","__GROUP__.DELETEOP=/rest/api/$(api_version)$/group?groupId=$(groupId)$","__GROUP__.CREATEOP=/rest/api/$(api_version)$/group","__GROUP__.SEARCHOP=/rest/api/$(api_version)$/groups/picker","__ACCOUNT__.groupId.SEARCHOP=/rest/api/$(api_version)$/user/groups?accountId=$(__UID__)$","__ACCOUNT__.CREATEOP=/rest/api/$(api_version)$/user","__ACCOUNT__.groupId.UPDATEOP=/rest/api/$(api_version)$/group/user?groupId=$(groupId)$","__ACCOUNT__.groupId.REMOVEATTRIBUTE=/rest/api/$(api_version)$/group/user?groupId=$(groupId)$&accountId=$(__UID__)$","__ACCOUNT__.ENABLEOP=/rest/api/$(api_version)$/user","__ACCOUNT__.DISABLEOP=/rest/api/$(api_version)$/user?accountId=$(__UID__)$","__ACCOUNT__.TESTOP=/rest/api/$(api_version)$/users"


This entry holds the name attribute for all the objects that are handled by this connector.

For example, for the __ACCOUNT__ object class that it used for User accounts, the name attribute is displayName.

Default value:



This entry holds the uid attribute for all the objects that are handled by this connector.

For example, for User accounts, the uid attribute is accountId.

In other words, the value __ACCOUNT__ accountId in decode implies that the __UID__attribute (that is, GUID) of the connector for _ACCOUNT__object class is mapped to accountId which is the corresponding uid attribute for user accounts in the target system.

Default value:



This entry holds the name of the connector bundle.

Default value: org.identityconnectors.genericrest


This entry holds the version of the connector bundle.

Default value: 12.3.0

Connector Name

This entry holds the name of the connector.

Default value:



This entry specifies the HTTP operation type for each object class supported by the connector. Values are comma separated and are in the following format: OBJ_CLASS.OP=HTTP_OP

In this format, OBJ_CLASS is the connector object class, OP is the connector operation (for example, CreateOp, UpdateOp, SearchOp), and HTTP_OP is the HTTP operation (GET, PUT, or POST).

Default value:



The number of resources/users that appears on a page for a search operation.

Default value:



This entry holds the json tag value that is used during reconciliation for parsing multiple entries in a single payload.

Default value:



This entry holds the content type expected by the target system in the header.

Default value:



This entry holds the accept type expected from the target system in the header.

Default value:



This entry lists the format in which a special attribute is present in the target system response.

Default value:



This entry lists the special attribute, which is an attribute in an object class that can be managed only through a separate REST API endpoint rather than the same endpoint of the base object class.

Default value:



This entry lists the payloads for all operations that are not in the standard format.

Default value:

"__ACCOUNT__.groupId.UPDATEOP={\"accountId\" : \"$(__UID__)$\"}","__ACCOUNT__.ENABLEOP = {\"emailAddress\" : \"$(emailAddress)$\"}","__GROUP__.CREATEOP={\"name\" : \"$(__NAME__)$\"


This entry lists the name of the target system attribute that holds the status of an account. For example, for the __ACCOUNT__ object class that it used for User accounts, the status attribute is accountEnabled.

Default value:



This entry specifies special attribute data coming in from a single end-point response.

Default value:
