5.1.2 Performing Limited Reconciliation

Limited or filtered reconciliation is the process of limiting the number of records being reconciled based on a set filter criterion.

By default, all target system records that are added or modified after the last reconciliation run are reconciled during the current reconciliation run. You can customize this process by specifying the subset of added or modified target system records that must be reconciled. You do this by creating filters for the reconciliation module.

You can perform limited reconciliation by creating filters for the reconciliation module. An example Filter Suffix value that is valid in the API version V3 is as follows:

Filter Suffix Value: ?accountId=<accountId> Example: ?accountId=712020:7126106a-d561-4274-b8fc-84cbed63fa99

In this example, the record whose accountId is 712020:7126106a-d561-4274-b8fc-84cbed63fa99 is reconciled


  • Provide filter as “s?” in Filter Suffix value for Full User reconciliation to bring all users.