5.3.1 Guidelines on Performing Provisioning Operations

These are the guidelines that you must apply while performing provisioning operations.

Provisioning attributes required to create user account

To create User provisioning operation, follow the following values as required:

  • Employee Id: The user's entity Id
  • Subsidiary: The user's subsidiary.
  • Password: The password of the user.


Target does not allow to create a user with existing Employee id which has already been used in Oracle NetSuite cloud.

Attributes required to be updated in the parent form.

  • First Name: The user's first name.
  • Last Name: The user's last name.
  • Middle Name: The user’s middle name.
  • Email: The user's email ID.
  • Initials: The user's initials
  • Office Phone: The user's office phone number.
  • Mobile Phone: The user's mobile number.
  • Home Phone: The user's home phone number
  • Department: The user's department
  • Subsidiary: The user's subsidiary.
  • Global Subscription Status:
  • Supervisor: The user's supervisor
  • Employee Type: The user's Employee type.
  • Hire Date: The user's hire date.
  • Birth Date: The user's birth date
  • Job Title: The user's job title.
  • Employee Status: Employee status of the user.
  • Gender: Gender of the user.
  • defaultExpenseReportCurrency: Expense currency used by user.
  • requirePwdChange: Indicates if user password needs to be reset after login.
  • Billing class: The user's billing class.
  • Class: The user's class.
  • Location: The user's location.
  • Password: The password of the user.