3.5 Reconciliation Jobs

These are the reconciliation jobs that are automatically created in Oracle Identity Governance after you create the application.

User Reconciliation Jobs

You can either use these predefined jobs or edit them to meet your requirements. Alternatively, you can create custom reconciliation jobs. For information about editing these predefined jobs or creating new ones, see Updating Reconciliation Jobs in Oracle Fusion Middleware Performing Self Service Tasks with Oracle Identity Governance.

The following reconciliation jobs are available for reconciling user data:

  • NetSuite Full User Reconciliation: Use this reconciliation job to reconcile user data from a target application.
  • NetSuite Limited User Reconciliation: Use this reconciliation job to reconcile records from the target system based on a specified filter criterion.

The following table describes the parameters of the NetSuite Full User Reconciliation job.

Table 3-9 Parameters of the NetSuite Full User Reconciliation Job

Parameter Description
Application name

Name of the AOB application with which the reconciliation job is associated. This value is the same as the value that you provided for the Application Name field while creating your target application.

Do not change the default value.

Filter Suffix

Enter the search filter for fetching user records from the target system during a reconciliation run.

Filter suffix for single user:

Sample value: 10245

In this example, the record whose Internal ID value is 10245 is reconciled.

For more information about creating filters, see Performing Limited (Filtered) Reconciliation.

Object Type

This parameter holds the name of the object type for the reconciliation run.

Default value: User

Do not change the default value.

Scheduled Task Name

Name of the scheduled task used for reconciliation.

Do not modify the value of this parameter.

Reconciliation Jobs for Entitlements

The following jobs are available for reconciling entitlements:

  • NetSuite Group Lookup Reconciliation
  • NetSuite Role Lookup Reconciliation
  • NetSuite Department Lookup Reconciliation
  • NetSuite Subsidiary Lookup Reconciliation
  • NetSuite Employee Status Lookup Reconciliation
  • NetSuite Supervisor Lookup Reconciliation
  • NetSuite Default Expense Report Currency Lookup Reconciliation
  • NetSuite Employee Type Lookup Reconciliation
  • NetSuite Billing Class Lookup Reconciliation
  • NetSuite Class Lookup Reconciliation
  • NetSuite location Lookup Reconciliation

The parameters for all the reconciliation jobs are the same.

Table 3-10 Parameters of the Reconciliation Jobs for Entitlements

Parameter Description
Application Name

Current AOB application name with which the reconciliation job is associated.

Do not modify this value.

Code Key Attribute

Name of the connector attribute that is used to populate the Code Key column of the lookup definition.

(Specified as the value of the Lookup Name attribute).

Default value: __UID__

Do not modify this value.

Decode Attribute

Name of the connector attribute that is used to populate the Decode column of the lookup definition.

(Specified as the value of the Lookup Name attribute).

Default value: __NAME__

Lookup Name

Enter the name of the lookup definition in Oracle Identity Governance that must be populated with values fetched from the target system.

Depending on the Reconciliation job that you are using, the default values are as follows:

  • For NetSuite Group Lookup Reconciliation: Lookup.NetSuite.Groups
  • For NetSuite Role Lookup Reconciliation: Lookup.NetSuite.Roles
  • For NetSuite Department Lookup Reconciliation: Lookup.NetSuite.department
  • For NetSuite Subsidiary Lookup Reconciliation: Lookup.NetSuite.subsidiary
  • For NetSuite Supervisor Lookup Reconciliation: Lookup.NetSuite.Supervisor
  • For NetSuite Employee Status Lookup Reconciliation: Lookup.NetSuite.employeeStatus
  • For NetSuite Default Expense Report Currency

Lookup Reconciliation: Lookup.NetSuite.defaultExpenseReportCurrency

  • For NetSuite Employee Type Lookup Reconciliation: Lookup.NetSuite.employeeType
  • For NetSuite Billing Class Lookup Reconciliation: Lookup.NetSuite.billingClass
  • For NetSuite Class Lookup Reconciliation: Lookup.NetSuite.class
  • For NetSuite location Lookup Reconciliation: Lookup.NetSuite.location

If you create a copy of any of these lookup definitions, then enter the name of that new lookup definition as the value of the Lookup Name attribute.

Object Type

Enter the type of object you want to reconcile.

Depending on the reconciliation job that you are using, the default values are as follows:

  • For NetSuite Group Lookup Reconciliation: __GROUP__
  • For NetSuite Role Lookup Reconciliation: __ROLE__
  • For NetSuite Department Lookup Reconciliation: __DEPARTMENT__
  • For NetSuite Subsidiary Lookup Reconciliation: __SUBSIDIARY__
  • For NetSuite Supervisor Lookup Reconciliation: __SUPERVISOR__
  • For NetSuite Employee Status Lookup Reconciliation: __EMPSTATUS__
  • For NetSuite Default Expense Report Currency Lookup

Reconciliation: __EXPREPORT__

  • For NetSuite Employee Type Lookup Reconciliation: __EMPTYPE__
  • For NetSuite Billing Class Lookup Reconciliation: __BILLING__
  • For NetSuite Class Lookup Reconciliation: __CLASS__
  • For NetSuite location Lookup Reconciliation: __LOCATION__


Do not change the value of this parameter.