5.3.1 Guidelines on Performing Provisioning Operations

These are the guidelines that you must apply while performing provisioning operations.

Provisioning attributes required to create user account

To create User provisioning operation, follow the following values as required:

  • First Name: The user's first name.
  • Last Name: The user's last name.
  • User Name : The username of the account.
  • DirectoryIndicator : The user directory of the user (required only if it is a LDAP user).
  • LogicalDomain : The domain of the user (required only if target is enabled with domain).

Attributes required to be updated in the parent form

  • First Name: The user's first name.
  • Last Name: The user's last name.
  • Middle Name: The user's middle name.
  • User Name : The username of the account.
  • Suffix : The suffix for the user.
  • Title : The Job title of the user.
  • PhysicianInd : The physician id for the physician user.
  • Gender : The gender of the user.
  • DirectoryIndicator : The user directory of the user.
  • LogicalDomain : The domain of the user.
  • Birth Date : The Birthdate of the user.
  • Begin Effective DateTime : The joining date of the user.
  • End EffectiveDateTime : The end date of the user account.
  • Position : The user job position.
  • Password: The password of the user.