8 Known Issues and Limitations

These are the known issues and workarounds associated with this release of the connector

Preconfig XML file does not get imported as expected when another generic connector is already installed

If you are creating the Salesforce connector application in a scenario when another generic connector is already installed or created, then the xml/Salesforce-pre-config.xml file will not get imported as expected.

Workaround: As a workaround, perform the Deployment Manager import.


Verify pre-population status of the static lookup definition. If the lookup data is not getting populated, you must import the xml/Salesforce-pre-config.xml pre config XML file manually. For example, Lookup.Salesforce.PreferredLanguage.

With Password Attribute Account provision not possible, as pre Salesforce RESTAPI limitation

Error message:

SEVERE: Exception occurred while executing request. HTTP 400 Error: Not able to parse input, or input does not match the required entities or validation failures.

[{"message":"No such column 'NewPassword' on sobject of type User","errorCode":"INVALID_FIELD"}]

org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConnectorException: Exception occurred while executing request. HTTP 400 Error : Not able to parse input, or input does not match required entities or validation failures.[{"message":"No such column 'NewPassword' on sobject of type User","errorCode":"INVALID_FIELD"}

Workaround: After creating the Account, you need to reset the account password.