3.2 Advanced Settings Parameters

These are the configuration-related entries that the connector uses during reconciliation and provisioning operations.


  • Unless specified, do not modify entries in the below table.
  • All parameters in the below table are mandatory.

Table 3-2 Advanced Settings Parameters

Parameter Mandatory? Description
Connector Name Yes

This parameter holds the name of the connector class.

Default value: org.identityconnectors.genericscim.GenericSCIMConnector

Bundle Name Yes

This parameter holds the name of the connector bundle package.

Default value: org.identityconnectors.genericscim

Bundle Version Yes

This parameter hods the version of the connector bundle class.

Default value: 12.3.0

defaultBatchSize No

This entry holds the value of the number of records that can be retrieved from the target system in one go.

Default value: 200

relURLs No

This entry holds the relative URL of every object class supported by this connector and the connector operations that can be performed on these object classes.

Default value: "__ACCOUNT__.TESTOP=/Users?count=1","__ACCOUNT__.DELETEOP=/Users","__ACCOUNT__.SEARCHOP=/Users","__GROUP__.SEARCHOP=/Groups"

checkAliveUri No

This entry holds URL for test connection functionality

Default value: /Users?count=1

schemaBuildingOption No

This value indicates that there is no URL for schema definition.

Default value: static

schemaCorePath No

Enter the path of User Schema file.

Sample value: <MW_HOME>/idm/server/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/SAPFieldGlass-

schemaEnterprisePath No

Enter the path of Enterprise Schema file.

Sample value: <MW_HOME>/idm/server/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/SAPFieldGlass-

schemaGroupPath No

Enter the path of Group Schema file.

Sample value: <MW_HOME>/idm/server/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/SAPFieldGlass-

extensionSchemaTags No

This entry holds extension schema tags.

Default value: "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:Fieldglass:2.0:User","urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User"

customPayload No

This entry holds the payloads for all operations that are not in the standard format.

Default value: "__ACCOUNT__.groups.AddOp={\"Operations\":[{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"members\",\"value\":[{\"value\":\"$(__ACCOUNT__.__UID__)$\"}]}],\"schemas\":[\"urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp\"]}","__ACCOUNT__.groups.RemoveOp={\"Operations\":[{\"op\":\"remove\",\"path\":\"members\",\"value\":[{\"value\":\"$(__ACCOUNT__.__UID__)$\"}]}],\"schemas\":[\"urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp\"]}"

nameAttributes Yes

This is the __NAME__ attribute mapping of Oracle Identity Governance to the relevant attribute on target system.

Default value: "Users=userName","Groups=displayName"

uidAttributes Yes

This is the __UID__ attribute mapping of Oracle Identity Governance to the GUID attribute on target system.

Default value: "Users=id","Groups=id"

attrToOClassMapping No

This is Attribute names to Other Object Class mapping.

Default value: "__ACCOUNT__.groups=Groups"

jsonResourcesTag No

This entry holds the json tag value that is used during reconciliation for parsing multiple entries in a single payload.

Default value: Resources

scimVersion Yes

This entry specifies the SCIM version.

Default value: 1

statusAttributes No

This entry lists the name of the target system attribute that holds the status of an account.

Default value: "Users=active"

passwordAttributes No

This entry holds the name of the target system attribute that is mapped to the __PASSWORD__ attribute of the connector in OIM.

Default value: "Users=password"