5.3.1 Guidelines on Performing Provisioning Operations

These are the guidelines that you must apply while performing provisioning operations.

Provisioning attributes required to create user account.

To create User provisioning operation, following values are required:

  • User name: The user's Username.
  • First Name: The user’s First name.
  • Last Name: The user’s Last name.
  • Email: Email ID of the user.
  • Primary Business Unit: Domain to which user belongs to.
  • loginaAuthType: Type of authentication that the user uses to login.
  • Manager: The user’s manager.

Note: Only ‘password’ value is supported for loginAuthType.

Attributes required to be updated in the parent form.

  • User name: The user's Username
  • First Name: The user’s First name.
  • Last Name: The user’s Lastname.
  • HonorificPrefix: Prefix used to address the user.s
  • Email: Email ID of the user.
  • Display name: The user's Display name.
  • Title: Title of the user.
  • Locale: The user’s language.
  • Timezone: The user’s time zone.
  • EmployeeID: The user’s Employee ID.
  • Primary Business Unit: Domain to which the user belongs to.
  • Cost Center: Cost Center to which the user belongs.
  • Manager: The user’s manager.