Create Authoritative Application - Settings

Use the Settings tab to review and customize the default attributes.

Element Description


Allows you to define the matching criteria so that appropriate situation and responses can be applied during reconciliation.

Identity Correlation Rule

  • Simple Correlation Rule: Select if you want to add a simple correlation rule. Creating an equation using the below options:

    • Target Attribute: Select the target attribute.

    • Element Operator: Select the operator from the list: Equals, Contains, Starts With, or Ends With.

    • Identity Attribute: Select the identity attribute from the list.

    Case Sensitive: Select if the equation is case sensitive.

    Click Delete to delete the equation.

    Add: Click Add to include additional equation with AND or OR option.

  • Complex Correlation Rule: Select if you want to add a complex correlation rule. Click Validate JSON Syntax to validate the script syntax.


For more information on Validation and Transformation scripts and examples refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Performing Self Service Tasks with Oracle Identity Governance.

Situations And Responses

  • Situation: Select the situation from the list.

  • Response: Select the response you want to set for the selected situation.

  • Add: Click to add new situation and response.

  • Click Deleteto delete the situation and response.

Validation & Transformation

  • Validation Script: Click to include validation script. Validation Script editor is displayed.

  • Transformation Script: Click to include transformation script. Transformation Script editor is displayed.

Reconciliation Jobs

  • Full: Click Add Job to add new job. New job window is displayed.

  • Incremental: Click Add Job to add new job. New job window is displayed.

  • Delete: Click Add Job to add new job. New job window is displayed.


Click Add to select the organization to which you want to publish this application. Add Organization window is displayed. Search and select the organization and click OK.

Related Topics

Creating Authoritative Application in Oracle Fusion Middleware Performing Self Service Tasks with Oracle Identity Governance

Validation and Transformation of Provisioning Attributes in Oracle Fusion Middleware Performing Self Service Tasks with Oracle Identity Governance