Forgot Password

Identify Yourself

Use the Forgot Password page to reset your forgotten password.

Element Description

User Login

The user login ID of the user who has to reset the Oracle Identity Self Service password.


Click Cancel to cancel the changes made to the page.


Click Next to navigate to the Answer Challenge Questions page.

Answer Challenge Questions

Element Description

Please answer your challenge questions

Answer atleast 3 challenge questions below with the answers you set during registration.

What is your mother's maiden name?

The challenge Question 1 selected from the drop-down during creation of account.

What is the name of your pet?

The challenge Question 2 selected from the drop-down during creation of account.

What is the city of your birth?

The challenge Question 3 selected from the drop-down during creation of account.


Click Cancel to cancel the changes made to the page.


Click Back to navigate to the Identify Yourself page.


Click Next to navigate to the Select A New Password page.

Select A New Password

Element Description

Enter new password

Enter your password.

Re-enter new password

Re-enter your password.

Password Policy Rules

Displays the applicable Password Policy Rules.


Click Cancel to cancel the changes made to the page.


Click Back to navigate to the Answer Challenge Questions page.


Click Save to save the changes.

Related Topics

Resetting Forgotten Password in Oracle Fusion Middleware Performing Self Service Tasks with Oracle Identity Governance