23.3.3 Editing System Properties

The Edit option allows you to modify an existing system property by using the System Property Details page. If any system property is tagged with a set of allowed values, then you must specify a value from that set only.

You cannot modify the Property Name and Keyword fields of a system property created in a non-English locale. As a workaround, delete the existing system property and create a new one with the desired values.

In an English locale, non-ASCII characters are allowed in a system property name. When you modify the name of a system property to include non-ASCII characters, you must ensure the following if you want the changes to be translated into other languages:

To edit a System Property:

  1. Login to Oracle Identity Self Service.
  2. Click the Manage tab.
  3. Navigate to System Configuration box, click Configuration Properties.
    The Manage Configuration Properties section is displayed.
  4. In the Manage System Properties section, search for the system property that you want to modify.
  5. In the search results table, click Edit button for the system property that you want to modify.
    The Edit Configuration Property page is displayed.
  6. Modify the values in the fields. Generally, you need to modify the Value field to change the functionality that the system property provides.
  7. Click Save to save the changes made.

    A message confirming that the system property has been modified is displayed.