23.3.5 Purging Cache

Whenever you make any change to a system property by using any method other than from the Identity System Administration, you must run purge cache utility to fetch the changes that are reflected in Oracle Identity Manager.

To clear the server cache:

  1. Depending on the operating system being used, navigate to the following directory:
    • For Microsoft Windows:


    • For UNIX:


  2. Run one of the following commands:
    • For Microsoft Windows:

      PurgeCache.bat CATEGORY_NAME
    • For UNIX:

      sh PurgeCache.sh CATEGORY_NAME

    The CATEGORY_NAME name argument represents the Oracle Identity Manager category name that is to be purged, for example, FormDefinition.

    To purge all the categories, pass a value of "All" to the PurgeCache utility. It is recommended to clear all the categories.

    sh PurgeCache.sh All


    • If Oracle Identity Governance is installed on IPv6 Linux host computer, then pass ipv6 as the last input argument to the PurgeCache.sh script, as shown:

      sh PurgeCache.sh All ipv6

      On Windows environment, do not pass any parameter for IPv6 while running PurgeCache.bat.

    • When you run the PurgeCache.sh utility in an IPv6 enabled setup, the following error is encountered:

      Exception in thread "main" javax.security.auth.login.LoginException:
      java.net.UnknownHostException: exampledomain.com: Name or service not known

      To workaround this issue:

      1. Open the PurgeCache.sh script in a text editor.

      2. Modify the following line:

        bash oimClientWrapper.sh $CLIENT_CLASS $1


        bash oimClientWrapper.sh $CLIENT_CLASS $*
      3. Save the file.