22.5.1 Searching for Jobs

Use the Manage Scheduler Jobs page to perform search for jobs.

To search for the jobs, perform the following steps:

  1. Login to Oracle Identity Self Service.
  2. Click Manage tab and select System Configuration box.
  3. Select Scheduler from the drop-down.
  4. Select one or more of the following search conditions to list the history of the job details:
    • Name: Enter the name of the job that you want to search.
    • Status: Search the job status that is applicable for the job search.The following are the types of status:
      • Running
      • Success
      • Interrupted
      • Failed
      • All
    • Start Time With: Select the time duration from the drop-down applicable for the search.
  5. Click Search.

    The list of jobs that match your search criteria are displayed in a tabular format.