6 Known Issues

This chapter describes the following known issues associated with this release of the AS400 connector:

  • Bug 11671704

    The UID attribute is a unique number that identifies a user on the OS/400 target system. In Oracle Identity Manager, the UID attribute is not part of the default user form. You can add the UID to your user form, process as read-only attribute. For information about adding attributes, see Adding Target System Attributes for Trusted Reconciliation.


    To update the UID attribute, use the OS/400 Command Language (CHGUSRPRF command).

  • Bug 12635601

    Provisioning User with shortened path (LIBRARY_FOLDER/LIBRARY) value for INLMNU, INLPGM, ATNPGM, OUTQ, and SRTSEQ fails with com.ibm.as400.access.IllegalPathNameException.


    When you create the OS/400 account for the OIM user, specify the fully-qualified path for these attributes. For example, for the job description attribute:

    Value for the attribute JOBD in short path:


    The same value in fully qualified path: