B Upgrading Oracle RADIUS Agent to April 2022 Release or Later

From the April 2022 release, Oracle RADIUS Agent uses a new default uid:gid value of 14304:14304 instead of 1000:1000 for the oracle user running in the container that performs all container operations. If you are upgrading to the April 2022 release from an earlier release, the directory that is mapped to the container volume will be configured to have permission for user 1000:1000. Hence you must change the permission on this directory. The following are the scenarios to illustrate permission change.

Scenario 1: To continue using user 1000:1000

To continue using the current user with 1000:1000, you must use the run time option –user 1000:1000 for starting new containers . No permission changes are required on the directory. For more information, see Installing Oracle RADIUS Agent.

Scenario 2: Switching to a new default user of 14304:14304

To use the new default user of 14304:14304, the directory that is mapped to the container volume must have read and write permissions for both users 1000:1000 and 14304:14304 until all Oracle RADIUS Agent instances in the cluster are upgraded. These required permissions on this directory must be set recursively. Once all instances are upgraded to April 2022 release, permissions on this directory for 1000:1000 user is no longer required and can be removed.

Scenario 3: Switching to a different non-default user

To use a different non-default user, the directory that is mapped to the container volume must have read and write permissions for both users 1000:1000 and the custom user until all Oracle RADIUS Agent instances in the cluster are upgraded. These required permissions on this directory must be set recursively. You must use the run time option –user your_uid:your_gid while starting a new container. Once all instances are upgraded to April 2022 release, permissions on this directory for 1000:1000 user is no longer required and can be removed.