Updates Configuration



Permits administrators to add or update or remove properties for a given configuration type. To delete properties, property value needs to be passed as null and to remove particular index from list of values, 'delete' property with name of index to be deleted needs to be passed.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Configuration details to be updated.
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
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Nested Schema : application
Type: object
RADIUS client configuration details
Nested Schema : authentication
Type: object
Global primary authentication config details
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Nested Schema : logging
Type: object
Logging details
Nested Schema : mfa
Type: object
Global multi factor authentication config details
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Nested Schema : preferences
Type: object
Global preferences config details
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Nested Schema : radiusAdminGroup
Type: array
List of admin groups that are present in directory to manage configurations and RADIUS clients for Oracle RADIUS Agent This is required for day-0 and optional for others
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[ "cn=group1,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com","cn=group2,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com" ]
[ "group1"," + "group2" ]
Nested Schema : radiusAdminUser
Type: array
List of admin users that are present in directory to manage configurations and RADIUS clients for Oracle RADIUS Agent This is required for day-0 and optional for others
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[ "cn=radiusAdminUser,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com","cn=adminUser,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" ]
[ "radiusAdminUser"," + "adminUser" ]
Nested Schema : radiusListener
Type: object
Global RADIUS Listener config details
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Nested Schema : server
Type: object
Server config details
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Nested Schema : custom
Type: object
Custom Authenticator configuration details
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Nested Schema : ldap
Type: object
LDAP configuration details
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Nested Schema : properties
Type: object
Defined properties
Nested Schema : unrecognizedFields
Type: object
Read Only: true
Nested Schema : cipherSuites
Type: array
Default cipher suites used out of the box
Default Value: None (Uses JVM defaults)
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Nested Schema : properties
Type: object
Read Only: true
Nested Schema : oaa
Type: object
OAA configuration details
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Nested Schema : properties
Type: object
Read Only: true
Nested Schema : factorToTokenLengthMap
Type: object
RADIUS Factor to factor token length mapping
Default Value: {"ChallengeOMATOTP": 6, "ChallengeYubicoOTP": 44}
Nested Schema : groupNameMapping
Type: object
Mappings to map group names in primary authenticator to different values
{"group1":"ORA_GRP_1", "group2":"ORA_GRP_2"}
Nested Schema : mfaOptions
Type: object
Additional OAA Provider specific options like "assuranceLevel", "factorChoices" (for auto-wiring of ORA and OAA), "defaultGroup" for setting default group name that is passed to OAA
Default Value: "defaultGroup": "Default"
 "assuranceLevel": "Rad_CP0_%RNDM1%"
Nested Schema : radiusFactorToMFAFactorMap
Type: object
RadiusAgent's Factor to MFA Provider's Factor mapping. These keywords can be used to invoke a specific factor for MFA
Default Value: {"totp": "ChallengeOMATOTP", "yubikey": "ChallengeYubicoOTP", "sms": "ChallengeSMS", "mail": "ChallengeEmail"}
Nested Schema : userAttrMap
Type: array
Represents mapping for user attributes from primary authenticator to specified RADIUS Attributes which are to be returned during authentication
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{"userAttrVendorID": 111, "userAttrName": "cn"}
Nested Schema : UserAttrMapping
Type: object
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Nested Schema : customDictionaryAsStream
Type: array
Custom dictionary file as stream
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Nested Schema : customDictionaryFileAsStream
Type: array
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Configuration updated successfully.
Body ()
Root Schema : ResponseMessage
Type: object
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400 Response

Bad request
Body ()
Root Schema : ResponseMessage
Type: object
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404 Response

Configuration does not exist.
Body ()
Root Schema : ResponseMessage
Type: object
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