Creates Configuration



Permits administrators to create global or application scoped configurations in Oracle RADIUS Agent. A global configuration is shared between multiple RADIUS clients and an application scoped configuration is restricted to a particular RADIUS client application.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
New configuration details
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
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Nested Schema : application
Type: object
RADIUS client configuration details
Nested Schema : authentication
Type: object
Global primary authentication config details
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Nested Schema : logging
Type: object
Logging details
Nested Schema : mfa
Type: object
Global multi factor authentication config details
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Nested Schema : preferences
Type: object
Global preferences config details
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Nested Schema : radiusAdminGroup
Type: array
List of admin groups that are present in directory to manage configurations and RADIUS clients for Oracle RADIUS Agent This is required for day-0 and optional for others
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[ "cn=group1,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com","cn=group2,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com" ]
[ "group1"," + "group2" ]
Nested Schema : radiusAdminUser
Type: array
List of admin users that are present in directory to manage configurations and RADIUS clients for Oracle RADIUS Agent This is required for day-0 and optional for others
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[ "cn=radiusAdminUser,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com","cn=adminUser,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" ]
[ "radiusAdminUser"," + "adminUser" ]
Nested Schema : radiusListener
Type: object
Global RADIUS Listener config details
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Nested Schema : server
Type: object
Server config details
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Nested Schema : custom
Type: object
Custom Authenticator configuration details
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Nested Schema : ldap
Type: object
LDAP configuration details
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Nested Schema : properties
Type: object
Defined properties
Nested Schema : unrecognizedFields
Type: object
Read Only: true
Nested Schema : cipherSuites
Type: array
Default cipher suites used out of the box
Default Value: None (Uses JVM defaults)
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Nested Schema : properties
Type: object
Read Only: true
Nested Schema : oaa
Type: object
OAA configuration details
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Nested Schema : properties
Type: object
Read Only: true
Nested Schema : factorToTokenLengthMap
Type: object
RADIUS Factor to factor token length mapping
Default Value: {"ChallengeOMATOTP": 6, "ChallengeYubicoOTP": 44}
Nested Schema : groupNameMapping
Type: object
Mappings to map group names in primary authenticator to different values
{"group1":"ORA_GRP_1", "group2":"ORA_GRP_2"}
Nested Schema : mfaOptions
Type: object
Additional OAA Provider specific options like "assuranceLevel", "factorChoices" (for auto-wiring of ORA and OAA), "defaultGroup" for setting default group name that is passed to OAA
Default Value: "defaultGroup": "Default"
 "assuranceLevel": "Rad_CP0_%RNDM1%"
Nested Schema : radiusFactorToMFAFactorMap
Type: object
RadiusAgent's Factor to MFA Provider's Factor mapping. These keywords can be used to invoke a specific factor for MFA
Default Value: {"totp": "ChallengeOMATOTP", "yubikey": "ChallengeYubicoOTP", "sms": "ChallengeSMS", "mail": "ChallengeEmail"}
Nested Schema : userAttrMap
Type: array
Represents mapping for user attributes from primary authenticator to specified RADIUS Attributes which are to be returned during authentication
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{"userAttrVendorID": 111, "userAttrName": "cn"}
Nested Schema : UserAttrMapping
Type: object
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Nested Schema : customDictionaryAsStream
Type: array
Custom dictionary file as stream
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Nested Schema : customDictionaryFileAsStream
Type: array
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Configuration added successfully.

400 Response

Bad request
Body ()
Root Schema : ResponseMessage
Type: object
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409 Response

Given configuration already exists.
Body ()
Root Schema : ResponseMessage
Type: object
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