LDAP User Create and Update Reconciliation Job Fails

LDAP User Create and Update Reconciliation job fails to run with the following exception:

java.lang.Exception: Full resync required. Reason: The provided cookie is older than the start of historical 
in the server for the replicated domain : dc=example,dc=com

To resolve this issue, you must update the parameter Last Change Number of the job. to do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Get the value from Oracle Unified Directory using the following command:
    ./ldapsearch -h <OUDHOST>-p 1389 -D "cn=oudadmin" -w Fusionapps1 --control ";" -b "cn=changelog" "(objectclass=*)" "*" +
  2. Search for the following line in the output of the above command:
    changeLogCookie: dc=example,dc=com:0000015dcefd65a3000100000102;
  3. Fill in dc=example,dc=com:0000015dcefd65a3000100000102; in to the Last Change Number parameter of the job.