
Oracle Unified Directory uses a certificate authority (CA) certificate, issued by Verisign, to enable clients to connect securely to the server.


Ensure that you have the appropriate log-in credentials for administrating Oracle Unified Directory instances. See Configuring Root Users.

You access the Oracle Unified Directory REST resources over HTTPS and must provide the following information for authentication:
  • An SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate file or bundle to authenticate against the Verisign CA certificate.

  • User name and password for your Oracle Unified Directory account.

For example, to authenticate using cURL:

  • Set the cURL environment variable, CURL_CA_BUNDLE, to the location of your local CA certificate bundle. For information about CA certificate verification using cURL, see:

  • Pass the user name and password for your Oracle Unified Directory account using the -u cURL option.

The following is the syntax for cURL command:
curl -i -X GET -u <username>:<password> -H <request-header>:<value> https://<subdomain>.<domain>.com:<port>/<resource-path>