Access Control Group REST Endpoints

Access Control Group
The Access Control Groups defines the scope for ACIs that are available to one or more naming contexts. All workflows, that use a particular Access Control Group, share the same ACIs. For example, if workflows corresponding to the naming contexts "dc=example,dc=com" and "ou=proxy,dc=example,dc=com" refer to the sameAccess Control Group, for an operation involving entries below "ou=proxy,dc=example,dc=com" applicable ACIs are: global ACIs, ACIs for "dc=example,dc=com" and ACIs for "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com". However, if the above workflows refer to two different Access Control Groups, the applicable ACIs for the entry below "ou=proxy,dc=example,dc=com" will be : global ACIs and ACIs for "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com". Note that the global ACIs apply to all Access Control Groups.
Add, Search, Compare or Delete Access Control Group
Method: post
Path: /rest/v1/admin
Delete a Access Control Group by DN
Method: delete
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}
Find Access Control Group by DN
Method: get
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}
Modify a Access Control Group by DN
Method: patch
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}