Entry DN Virtual Attribute REST Endpoints

Entry DN Virtual Attribute
The Entry DN Virtual Attribute generates the entryDN operational attribute in directory entries, which contains a normalized form of the entry's DN. This attribute is defined in the draft-zeilenga-ldap-entrydn Internet Draft and contains the DN of the entry in which it is contained. This component provides the ability to use search filters containing the entry's DN.
Add, Search, Compare or Delete Entry DN Virtual Attribute
Method: post
Path: /rest/v1/admin
Delete a Entry DN Virtual Attribute by DN
Method: delete
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}
Find Entry DN Virtual Attribute by DN
Method: get
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}
Modify a Entry DN Virtual Attribute by DN
Method: patch
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}