Last Mod Plugin REST Endpoints

Last Mod Plugin
The Last Mod Plugin is used to ensure that the creatorsName and createTimestamp attributes are included in an entry whenever it is added to the server and also to ensure that the modifiersName and modifyTimestamp attributes are updated whenever an entry is modified or renamed. This behavior is described in RFC 4512. The implementation for the LastMod plugin is contained in the org.opends.server.plugins.LastModPlugin class. It must be configured with the preOperationAdd, preOperationModify, and preOperationModifyDN plugin types, but it does not have any other custom configuration.
Add, Search, Compare or Delete Last Mod Plugin
Method: post
Path: /rest/v1/admin
Delete a Last Mod Plugin by DN
Method: delete
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}
Find Last Mod Plugin by DN
Method: get
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}
Modify a Last Mod Plugin by DN
Method: patch
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}