Searchfilter Load Balancing Algorithm REST Endpoints

Searchfilter Load Balancing Algorithm
The Searchfilter Load Balancing Algorithm is a search filter load balancing algorithm. A search filter load balancing algorithm distributes the search requests to a route according to the match between the route allowed/prohibited attributes and the request search filter. Each search filter route is assigned a priority, a set of allowed attributes, and a set of prohibited attributes. To determine the route to which a search request should be sent, the search filter algorithm goes through the list of its configured routes, starting from the highest priority route, and try to match the route with the request search filter. A search filter matches the route when the search filter contains at least one allowed attribute and none of the prohibited attributes. If the allowed attribute list of the route is empty, then the search filter matches the route - as long as the search filter does not contain any of the prohibited attributes. If the matched route happens to be down, then the search filter algorithm tries to find another route. If all the matched routes are down, then the algorithm returns an LDAP result code stating all the routes are unavailable. If no matching route was found, or if the algorithm has no configured route, then the algorithm returns an LDAP result code stating that no matching route could be found. All the requests but searches are routed to the highest priority route. If the highest priority route is down then the algorithm tries to use the next highest priority route, and so on. If all the routes are down then the algorithm returns an LDAP result code stating that all the routes are unavailable. If the algorithm has no configured route, then the algorithm returns an LDAP result code stating that no matching route could be found.
Add, Search, Compare or Delete Searchfilter Load Balancing Algorithm
Method: post
Path: /rest/v1/admin
Delete a Searchfilter Load Balancing Algorithm by DN
Method: delete
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}
Find Searchfilter Load Balancing Algorithm by DN
Method: get
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}
Modify a Searchfilter Load Balancing Algorithm by DN
Method: patch
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}