MD5 Password Storage Scheme REST Endpoints

MD5 Password Storage Scheme
The MD5 Password Storage Scheme provides a mechanism for encoding user passwords using an unsalted form of the MD5 message digest algorithm. Because the implementation does not use any kind of salting mechanism, a given password always has the same encoded form. This scheme contains only an implementation for the user password syntax, with a storage scheme name of "MD5". Although the MD5 digest algorithm is relatively secure, recent cryptanalysis work has identified mechanisms for generating MD5 collisions. This does not impact the security of this algorithm as it is used in Oracle Unified Directory, but it is recommended that the MD5 password storage scheme only be used if client applications require it for compatibility purposes, and that a stronger digest like SSHA or SSHA256 be used for environments in which MD5 support is not required.
Add, Search, Compare or Delete MD5 Password Storage Scheme
Method: post
Path: /rest/v1/admin
Delete a MD5 Password Storage Scheme by DN
Method: delete
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}
Find MD5 Password Storage Scheme by DN
Method: get
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}
Modify a MD5 Password Storage Scheme by DN
Method: patch
Path: /rest/v1/admin/{dn}