Key Oracle Universal Authenticator Features and Use Cases

The Oracle Universal Authenticator (OUA) key features and use cases are as follows.

Universal Access for Devices With MFA or Passwordless

Use one credential for device login. In this release Microsoft Windows machines are supported.

Seamless Integration With Oracle Access Management

Out of the box integration with Oracle Access Management (OAM) as a single authenticator for device logins, bypassing the need for users to use their Microsoft Entra ID for Windows device login.

Consistent Experience Across Operating Systems and Devices

Oracle Universal Authenticator utilizes open standards for authentication, ensuring seamless operation across different operating systems and devices. Provides a consistent user experience with platform-agnostic design.

Unified Single-Sign On (SSO) Experience

One set of credentials grants access to all OAM protected web-based applications, improving productivity and user satisfaction with less time spent on login procedures and password recovery.

Robust MFA at Device Level

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) options to step up authentication at device level. Factors supported include:
  • TOTP (Time-based One Time Passcode) with a Mobile Authenticator application
  • Push Notifications with Oracle Mobile Authenticator
  • One Time Passcode (OTP) with SMS, Email, and Yubico YubiKey

Convenient Passwordless Options

Sign in to devices using passwordless login. Provides a user-friendly experience using Push Notifications with Oracle Mobile Authenticator.

Centralized Administration Console

Administrators can manage and monitor user and device registrations from a single web-based administration console, ensuring consistency across the enterprise. Easily enforce and update security policies and access rights, improving compliance and control.

Self-Service Portal

A user-friendly self-service portal, accessible anytime, leading to higher user adoption rates. Allows users to independently set up and manage their device MFA options, reducing administrative overhead.

For more information on these use cases, and step by step tutorials, see Use Cases.