Listing and Searching Devices

You can list or search for devices registered for use with Oracle Universal Authenticator.

The following steps show how to view all registered devices:
  1. Login to the Administration console (https://<AdminURL>). Enter the user credentials when prompted.
  2. Under Universal Authenticator > Device Management in the left-hand navigation menu, select Devices. All registered devices will be displayed by default, sorted by most recently used.
  3. If you need to search for a specific device, in the Manage Devices screen, enter the name of the device to search for. You can also filter the search by selecting any of the following buttons:
    • Status Enabled : List only enabled devices
    • Status Disabled : List only disabled devices
    • Status Unreachable: List only unreachable devices. Indicates that a device has not sent a heartbeat within the default two hours, or the time period configured for echo.elapsed.time. See, Configuration Properties for OAA.


      A device can be considered unreachable in the following circumstances:
      • The device is turned off
      • The monitoring agent on the device is not working properly or is not turned on
      • There is a network issue and the device cannot connect with DRSS
    • Status Needs attention: List only devices that need attention. Indicates that the software version on the device does not match the published version in Device Software Management.