Offline Login

Offline login allows users to continue to login to their device with Oracle Universal Authenticatior if any of the following scenarios occur:
  • Any part of the Oracle Universal Authenticator infrastructure is unavailable. For example, Oracle Access Management (OAM) or Oracle Advanced Authentication is unavailable due to a system outage or network issue.
  • Login is denied due to the OAM user account being locked, the user's OAM password expired, or if a mandatory password change is required for the OAM user.

If any such scenario occurs, Oracle Universal Authenticator allows the user to login to Windows using their OAM credentials until the situation is resolved. In offline mode, the user will not be automatically logged into applications using single-sign on.

For example:
  1. The users selects Oracle Universal Authenticator at the Windows login screen.
  2. The user enters their OAM credentials.
  3. The user receives an error message related to the reason that login is denied.
  4. The user enters the password for their OAM user and clicks the arrow.
  5. If login is successful, the Windows desktop appears.
  6. Once the situation is resolved, the user can logout of Windows, then login again using their OAM credentials.

The sections below outline the error messages received in each scenario when login is denied:

Part of the Oracle Universal Authenticator Infrastructure Is Down

System is offline. Please provide your password to proceed. Some features of your Login with Oracle will not be available. To restore all features, please logout and login again when system is online.

The OAM User Account Is Locked

Your account is locked. Please provide your password to proceed. Some features of your Login with Oracle will not be available. To restore all features, you need to logout and login again after resolving your account status.

The OAM User Password is Expired

Your password has expired. Please provide your password to proceed. Some features of your Login with Oracle will not be available. To restore all features, you need to logout and login again after resolving your account status.

Mandatory OAM User Password Change is Required

You must change your password. Please provide your password to proceed. Some features of your Login with Oracle will not be available. To restore all features, you need to logout and login again after resolving your account status.