Viewing Device Software

The following steps show how to view details of device software uploaded in the Administration console:
  1. Login to the Administration console (https://<AdminURL>). Enter the user credentials when prompted..
  2. Under Universal Authenticator in the left-hand navigation menu, select Device Software Management. All versions of the Oracle Universal Authenticator client application software uploaded are displayed by default, sorted by the most recent. The version of the software that is currently published is marked as PUBLISHED.
  3. If you need to search for a specific version, in the Device Software Management screen, enter the version to search for. You can also filter the search by selecting any of the following buttons:
    • Added Today: List only software added today
    • Added This Week: List only software added this week
    • Status Published: List only published software
  4. To see the devices that are currently using a specific version of the software, click the number next to devices.