Description of the illustration bb_man_deploy.gif

The image shows the following tabs on the Oracle B2B screen: Import/Export, Document, Deploy, Manage Deployments, Types, Batch, Downtime, Callout, Purge, Listening Channel, and Configuration. The Manage Deployments tab is selected. The first area of the tab shows an iconic representation of a step diagram with the following blocks from left to right: Active, Inactive (selected), Retire, and Purge. The second area of the tab shows the following Search fields: Name, Responding Partner, Initiating Partner, State, and Document Definition. At the top of the area is the Match radio button with the following options: All or Any. The third area of the tab shows the search results in a table with the following columns: Agreement, User, State, First Deployed Date, and Last Deployed Date. Above the table and to the right are the Search and Reset buttons.