Description of the illustration bb_reports16.gif

The image shows details of the application message. The following fields are displayed: Id; Sender Id Type: Name; Sender Value: GlobalParts; Receiver Id Type: Name; Receiver Value: Acme; Document Type: 850; Document Definition: 850_Def; Document Protocol Name: EDI_X12; Document Protocol Version: 4010; Refer to Application Message Id: Refer to Application Message Id; App Conversation Id; App Message Property; Direction: Inbound; State: MSG_COMPLETE; Error Code; Error Text; Error Description; Created Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009 1:10:47 PM GMT-08:00; Modified Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009 1:10:47 PM GMT-08:00; Message Size: 7569; Payload: Payload; Business Message: Business Message; Retry Interval: 0; Reattempt Count: 0; Remaining Retry: 0; ECID; and Composite Instance Id. A Resubmit button is available at the top of the screen, and the OK button is shown at the bottom right.