Description of the illustration bb_reports20.gif

The image shows details of the business (conversation) message. The following fields are displayed: Direction: State: MSG_COMPLETE; Acknowledgement Mode: None; Response Mode: Async; Send Time Stamp: Thursday, April 30, 2009 1:38:51 PM GMT-08:00; Receive Time Stamp: Thursday, April 30, 2009 1:38:51 PM GMT-08:00; Document Retry Interval: 0; Document Remaining Retry: 0; Native Message Size: 729; Translated Message Size: 729; Business Action Name; Business Transaction Name; Xpath Name1: XPathName1; Xpath Value1; Xpath Expression1; Xpath Name2: XPathName2; Xpath Value2; Xpath Expression2; Xpath Name3: XPathName3; Xpath Value3; Xpath Expression3; Correlation From XPath Name: CorrelationFromXPathName; Correlation From XPath Value; Correlation From XPath Expression; Correlation to XPath Name: CorrelationToXPathName; Correlation to XPath Value; Correlation To XPath Expression; Wire Message: Wire Message. The image shows an OK button at the bottom right.