Description of the illustration bb_metrics7.gif

The image shows the following tabs on the Oracle B2B screen: System and Partner. The Partner tab is selected. The left pane of the tab shows a list of Active Trading Partners. The first area of the right pane shows the Summary information presented in the following panes (from left to right): Messages and Errors and Message Count. The second area of the right pane shows the Summary in a table with the following columns: No. of Messages Processed (From and To), Average Processing Time in milliseconds (From and To), Average Message Size in kilobytes (From and To), and Errors (From and To). The third area of the right pane shows the Active Document Types in a table with the following columns: Name, No. of Messages Processed (Outbound and Inbound), Average Processing Time in milliseconds (Outbound and Inbound), Average Message Size in kilobytes (Outbound and Inbound), and Errors (Outbound and Inbound). The fourth area of the tab shows the Errors in a table with the following columns: Error (Error Code and Error Text), Initiating Partner, Responding Partner, Document Type, Timestamp, and Business Message Id. There is a Refresh button at the top of the tab on the right side.