Description of the illustration process_activity_analysis.png

The image process_activity_analysis.png shows the Process Activity Analysis dashboard, which contains five large numbers arranged horizontally above six stacked horizontal bar charts arranged in two rows of three. The five large numbers are titled Tasks Open Today, Tasks Closed Today, Tasks Not Due Soon, Tasks Due Soon, and Tasks Overdue.

Charts in the top row are titled Top 5 Tasks Not Due Soon, Top 5 Tasks Due Soon, and Top 5 Tasks Overdue. The vertical X-axis shows task names. The horizontal Y-axis shows numbers of task instances ranging from 0 to 400 in increments by 50. Each stacked horizontal bar has green, yellow, and red segments from left to right. Tasks not due soon are green, tasks due soon are yellow, and overdue tasks are red.

Charts in the bottom row are titled Top 7 Assignees by Tasks Not Due Soon, Top 7 Assignees by Tasks Due Soon, and Top 7 Assignees by Tasks Overdue. The vertical X-axis shows task assignee names. The horizontal Y-axis shows numbers of task instances ranging from 0 to 240 in increments by 40. Each stacked horizontal bar has green, yellow, and red segments from left to right. Tasks not due soon are green, tasks due soon are yellow, and overdue tasks are red.