2 Installation/Configuration Issues

All the known issues related to installation/configuration are listed here.

When you roll back the OPatch or Uninstall Insight, some data remains

Bug Number: 22858099

Impacted Releases:

Impacted Platforms: All

When you uninstall or roll back the Insight OPatch, the Insight related library and applications are left over. These may result in deployment errors after restarting the servers.


You must delete the following Library and applications manually from the Oracle WebLogic Administration Console and restart the Managed Server:

  • oracle.soa.procmon (12.2.1,12.2.1) - Library

  • oracle.soa.procmon.agent (12.2.1,12.2.1) - Library

  • oracle.soa.procmon.ui (12.2.1,12.2.1) - Library

  • insight - APP

  • insight-soa-agent - APP

  • insight-ui - APP

  • procmon-listener - APP

  • ProcMonJMSModule - JMS

  • com.oracle.procmon.engine.management.mbeans.impl:name=InsightConfigBean,type=ConfigMBean ConfigMBean

Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight is not compatible with Oracle HTTP Server 12.1.3 Version

Bug Number: 22756704

Impacted Releases:

Impacted Platforms: All

Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight is not compatible with 12.1.3 version of Oracle HTTP Server. This is a limitation for this release.


Model activation succeeds if you use the 12.2.1 version of Oracle HTTP Server instead.

Insight Queue must be Non-persistent

Bug Number: 22861157

Impacted Releases:

Impacted Platforms: All

Insight agents heavily use JMS for data collection. The throughput of the underlying SOA Composites/Service Bus projects on which the Insight models are based can become degraded.


It is recommended that the deliver mode of the Insight JMS Queue (named ProcMonEventQueue) is updated to "non-persistent". This can be done from the Oracle WebLogic Administration Console as listed below.

  1. Login to Oracle WebLogic Administration Console.

  2. Click the Lock and Edit button from the console change center (only required for production domains).

  3. Navigate from left panel to Services->Messaging-> JMS Modules.

  4. Click ProcMonJMSModule.

  5. Click ProcMonEventQueue*. You will find one or two of them based on the clusters you have configured on your domain.

  6. Click the "overrides" tab.

  7. Change the "Delivery Mode Override" to "Non-Persistent" and save the changes.

  8. Click "Activate Changes" from the change center (only required on production domains).