Oracle NetSuite Adapter

The Oracle NetSuite Adapter enables you to create an integration with a NetSuite application.

NetSuite is a SaaS-based application for business management. The NetSuite platform includes ERP, CRM, PSA, and e-commerce capabilities. To integrate users, NetSuite provides a platform called SuiteCloud that consists of cloud development tools and infrastructure. The SuiteTalk component of the SuiteCloud framework enables integration of NetSuite with other on-premises or cloud solutions.

While SuiteTalk provides the ability to access NetSuite data and business processes through an XML-based API, it requires skills such as Microsoft .NET or Java to build integrations with it. The Oracle NetSuite Adapter addresses these requirements by providing a no-coding approach for building integrations with NetSuite. This enables users who are not professional developers to build integrations with NetSuite.

The Oracle NetSuite Adapter provides the following features:
  • Quickly and easily connect on-premises systems and applications with NetSuite.

  • Rapidly integrate with both cloud applications and with existing on-premises business systems.

  • Automate the process for discovering NetSuite’s web service WSDLs based on the user account.

  • Eliminate the need to work with complex polymorphic data objects by elevating NetSuite records and custom objects (records and fields) to strongly-typed objects.

  • Display records based on NetSuite’s categorization.

  • Provide available contextual information about business objects and operations to the developer at design time.

  • Provide secured invocation to NetSuite’s web services by adhering to the role-based permission structure enforced in NetSuite in a transparent fashion.

  • Provide a standard adapter life cycle, controlled runtime environment, and monitoring capabilities.

For more information, see Configuring Oracle NetSuite Adapter Properties.