Integrating with BPEL

Perform the following steps to provide integration with BPEL:

  1. Connect BPELProcess1 and ServiceCloudCreateAccount using a wire.

    Figure 5-13 BPELProcess1 and RightNowAccount External Reference Connected Through a Wire

  2. After wiring your composite appears.

    Figure 5-14 Composite Application with Service, BPELProcess and Reference Wired

  3. Double-click and open BPELProcess1. The Oracle RightNow adapter should be present as a part of the Partner Links.

    Figure 5-15 Oracle RightNow Reference Adapter Shown as Part of Partner Links

  4. Add an Invoke activity to invoke the ServiceCloudCreateAccount Partner Link. To add the Invoke activity:

    1. Drag and drop the invoke activity from the BPEL constructs.

    2. After dropping the Invoke property on the canvas, wire the Invoke activity to the ServiceCloudAdapter partner link.

  5. Create an input variable to the partner link by clicking the + button adjacent to Input text box in the Variables section. JDeveloper displays the Create Variable dialog.

    Figure 5-17 Create Variable Dialog to Create an Input Variable for the Partner Link

  6. Create an output variable from the partner link by clicking the + button adjacent to Output text box in the Variables section. The wizard displays the Create Variable dialog.

    Figure 5-18 Create Variable Dialog to Create an Output Variable

  7. Introduce two transform activities, one before the Invoke activity and another after it.

    Figure 5-19 Two Transform Activities in the BPEL Diagram

  8. Map Transform1 values from receive activity's input variable to the Invoke activity's input variable.

    Figure 5-20 Mapping Transform1 Values from Receive Activity's Input Variable to Invoke Activity's Input Variable

  9. Click the + button adjacent to Mapper File text box to open the Transformation_1.xsl file.

  10. Map between inputVariable and Invoke1_create_InputVariable:

  11. Map Transform2 values from the Invoke activity's output variable to the reply activity's input variable.

    Figure 5-22 Mapping Transform2 values from Invoke Activity's Output Variable to Reply Activity's Input Variable

  12. Map the output variable.

    Figure 5-23 Mappings for Output Variable

    Description of Figure 5-23 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-23 Mappings for Output Variable"

    This completes the project creation. JDeveloper displays the composite.xml file.
    Description of composite_xml2.png follows
    Description of the illustration composite_xml2.png