Adding Credential Details to the JCA file Before Event-Based Composite Deployment to the Server

While designing the Oracle Sales Cloud adapter event-based service, the credential details must be populated in the JCA file. If the credential details are not populated in the JCA file, the event-based composite fails during deployment.

<Nov 30, 2015 5:53:43 PM IST> <Error> <oracle.soa.adapter> <BEA-000000>   
<JCABinding=>  OSCEvent Error while performing endpoint Activation:  
javax.resource.ResourceException: Error: 401 : Cannot get   
the subscription for the id 
. . .
. . .

To avoid this issue, perform the following steps.

  1. Update the exposed service-side JCA file with the following details:
    <property name="csfkey" value="csfkey"/> 
    <property name="csfMap" value=""/>