Description of the illustration soa-infra-flow-composites.png

This image shows the SOA Infrastructure menu in the upper left corner. In the upper right corner is the user logged in and the time at which the page was last refreshed. Below this are the Dashboard, Deployed Composites, Flow Instances (selected), and Error Hospital tabs. Below this is the Search Results table. Instance Faulted in the last 24 hours are displayed. In the upper right are the Recent Instances, Instances with Faults, and Recoverable Instances links. Below this are the Actions list (which is selected to display the Delete Selected and Abort Selected options), View list, Delete icon, Abort icon, Error Hospital button, and Hide Details icon. Below this is a table with columns for Flow ID, Initiating Composite, Flow State, Created, Last Updated, Name, and Partition columns. Below this are the Rows Selected and Columns Hidden fields. Below this are the Faults, Composite Sensor Values, and Composites (selected) tabs. Below this is a table with columns for Composite, Sequence in Flow, Name, Flow Entered Composite, and Logs columns.