The image shows the Application Preferences page. The top of the image shows the Oracle BPM Worklist global toolbar with Administration selected. Below the global toolbar are the following tabs: Administration, Evidence Search, Approval Groups, and Task Configuration. The Administration tab is selected. Below the tabs, the page is divided into two parts. On the left is the Administration pane with Application Preferences selected. On the right is the Application Preferences page. The first part of the Application Preferences page shows the following fields: Login page realm label (highlighted), Resource bundle, Use language settings of (a radio button with Browser and Identity Provider options), Enable Delegate/automatic outcome setting in vacation rules (a radio button with Enabled and Disabled options), User Name Format (a radio button with User ID and User Name options). The second area, called Branding and Skinning, shows the following fields: Branding Logo, Branding Title, Choose a Skin (a drop-down list), Application customization class name, Map Task actions to an image (a drop-down list), 10g Workspace Application URL, Flex Field INTEGER Display (a check box). The last section in the page, called Activity Guide, shows The interval to wait for Activity Guide for poll requests to access next task and Maximum number of times Activity Guide should poll to move to the next task fields. The top right shows the Save button and the Revert drop-down menu.