Oracle® Fusion Middleware C++ API Reference for Oracle Coherence
14c (



00001 /*
00002 * ContinuousQueryCache.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00019 #include "coherence/lang.ns"
00021 #include "coherence/net/CacheService.hpp"
00022 #include "coherence/net/NamedCache.hpp"
00024 #include "coherence/util/AbstractMap.hpp"
00025 #include "coherence/util/Comparator.hpp"
00026 #include "coherence/util/MapEvent.hpp"
00027 #include "coherence/util/MapIndex.hpp"
00028 #include "coherence/util/MapListener.hpp"
00029 #include "coherence/util/MapListenerSupport.hpp"
00030 #include "coherence/util/MultiplexingMapListener.hpp"
00031 #include "coherence/util/Set.hpp"
00032 #include "coherence/util/Supplier.hpp"
00033 #include "coherence/util/ValueExtractor.hpp"
00035 #include "coherence/util/filter/MapEventFilter.hpp"
00037 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE3(coherence,net,cache)
00039 using coherence::net::CacheService;
00040 using coherence::net::NamedCache;
00041 using coherence::util::AbstractMap;
00042 using coherence::util::Comparator;
00043 using coherence::util::Filter;
00044 using coherence::util::MapEvent;
00045 using coherence::util::MapIndex;
00046 using coherence::util::MapListener;
00047 using coherence::util::MapListenerSupport;
00048 using coherence::util::MultiplexingMapListener;
00049 using coherence::util::Set;
00050 using coherence::util::Supplier;
00051 using coherence::util::ValueExtractor;
00052 using coherence::util::filter::MapEventFilter;
00054 /**
00055 * Create a materialized view of a NamedCache using the Coherence
00056 * <i>Continuous Query</i> capability.
00057 *
00058 * @author tb, js  2008.07.23
00059 */
00060 class COH_EXPORT ContinuousQueryCache
00061     : public class_spec<ContinuousQueryCache,
00062         extends<AbstractMap>,
00063         implements<NamedCache> >
00064     {
00065     friend class factory<ContinuousQueryCache>;
00067     // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
00069     protected:
00070         /**
00071         * Create a materialized view of a NamedCache using a Filter. A
00072         * materialized view is an implementation of <i>Continuous Query</i>
00073         * exposed through the standard NamedCache API. This constructor
00074         * allows a client to receive all events, including those that result
00075         * from the initial population of the ContinuousQueryCache. In other
00076         * words, all contents of the ContinuousQueryCache will be delivered
00077         * to the listener as a sequence of events, including those items that
00078         * already exist in the underlying (unfiltered) cache.
00079         *
00080         * @param hCache        the NamedCache to create a view of
00081         * @param vFilter       the Filter that defines the view
00082         * @param fCacheValues  pass true to cache both the keys and values of
00083         *                      the materialized view locally, or false to
00084         *                      only cache the keys
00085         * @param hListener     an initial MapListener that will receive all
00086         *                      the events from the ContinuousQueryCache,
00087         *                      including those corresponding to its initial
00088         *                      population
00089         * @param vTransformer  the transformer that should be used to convert
00090         *                      values from the underlying cache before storing
00091         *                      them locally
00092         */
00093         ContinuousQueryCache(NamedCache::Handle hCache,
00094                 Filter::View vFilter, bool fCacheValues = false,
00095                 MapListener::Handle  hListener    = NULL,
00096                 ValueExtractor::View vTransformer = NULL);
00098         /**
00099         * Create a materialized view of a NamedCache using a Filter. A
00100         * materialized view is an implementation of <i>Continuous Query</i>
00101         * exposed through the standard NamedCache API. This constructor
00102         * allows a client to receive all events, including those that result
00103         * from the initial population of the ContinuousQueryCache. In other
00104         * words, all contents of the ContinuousQueryCache will be delivered
00105         * to the listener as a sequence of events, including those items that
00106         * already exist in the underlying (unfiltered) cache.
00107         * 
00108         * @param vCacheSupplier  the Supplier returning the NamedCache to create
00109         *                        a view of
00110         * @param vFilter         the Filter that defines the view
00111         * @param fCacheValues    pass true to cache both the keys and values of
00112         *                        the materialized view locally, or false to
00113         *                        only cache the keys
00114         * @param hListener       an initial MapListener that will receive all
00115         *                        the events from the ContinuousQueryCache,
00116         *                        including those corresponding to its initial
00117         *                        population
00118         * @param vTransformer    the transformer that should be used to convert
00119         *                        values from the underlying cache before storing
00120         *                        them locally
00121         */
00122         ContinuousQueryCache(Supplier::View vCacheSupplier,
00123                 Filter::View vFilter, bool fCacheValues,
00124                 MapListener::Handle  hListener,
00125                 ValueExtractor::View vTransformer);
00128     // ----- accessors ------------------------------------------------------
00130     public:
00131         /**
00132         * Obtain the NamedCache that this ContinuousQueryCache is based on.
00133         *
00134         * @return the underlying NamedCache
00135         */
00136         virtual NamedCache::View getCache() const;
00138         /**
00139         * Obtain the NamedCache that this ContinuousQueryCache is based on.
00140         *
00141         * @return the underlying NamedCache
00142         */
00143         virtual NamedCache::Handle getCache();
00145         /**
00146         * Obtain the Filter that this ContinuousQueryCache is using to query
00147         * the underlying NamedCache.
00148         *
00149         * @return the Filter that this cache uses to select its contents from
00150         *         the underlying NamedCache
00151         */
00152         virtual Filter::View getFilter() const;
00154         /**
00155         * Obtain the transformer that this ContinuousQueryCache is using to transform
00156         * the results from the underlying cache.
00157         *
00158         * @return the ValueExtractor that this cache uses to transform entries from
00159         *         the underlying cache
00160         *
00161         * @since
00162         */
00163         virtual ValueExtractor::View getTransformer() const;
00165        /**
00166         * Obtain the MapListener provided at construction time for
00167         * this ContinuousQueryCache.
00168         *
00169         * @return the MapListener provided at construction time for
00170         *         this ContinuousQueryCache
00171         *
00172         * @since
00173         */
00174         virtual MapListener::View getMapListener() const;
00176         /**
00177         * Determine if this ContinuousQueryCache caches values locally.
00178         *
00179         * @return true if this object caches values locally, and false if it
00180         *        relies on the underlying NamedCache
00181         */
00182         virtual bool isCacheValues() const;
00184         /**
00185         * Modify the local-caching option for the ContinuousQueryCache. By
00186         * changing this value from <tt>false</tt> to <tt>true</tt>, the
00187         * ContinuousQueryCache will fully realize its contents locally and
00188         * maintain them coherently in a manner analogous to the Coherence
00189         * NearCache. By changing this value from <tt>true</tt> to
00190         * <tt>false</tt>, the ContinuousQueryCache will discard its locally
00191         * cached data and rely on the underlying NamedCache.
00192         *
00193         * @param fCacheValues pass true to enable local caching, or false to
00194         *                     disable it
00195         */
00196         virtual void setCacheValues(bool fCacheValues);
00198         /**
00199         * Determine if this ContinuousQueryCache disallows data modification
00200         * operations.
00201         *
00202         * @return true if this ContinuousQueryCache has been configured as
00203         *         read-only
00204         */
00205         virtual bool isReadOnly() const;
00207         /**
00208         * Modify the read-only option for the ContinuousQueryCache. Note that
00209         * the cache can be made read-only, but the opposite (making it
00210         * mutable) is explicitly disallowed.
00211         *
00212         * @param fReadOnly  pass true to prohibit clients from making
00213         *                   modifications to this cache
00214         */
00215         virtual void setReadOnly(bool fReadOnly);
00217         /**
00218         * Obtain the state of the ContinuousQueryCache.
00219         *
00220         * @return  one of the STATE_ enums
00221         */
00222         virtual int32_t getState() const;
00224         /**
00225         * Return the reconnection interval (in milliseconds). This value indicates the period
00226         * in which re-synchronization with the underlying cache will be delayed in the case the
00227         * connection is severed.  During this time period, local content can be accessed without
00228         * triggering re-synchronization of the local content.
00229         *
00230         * @return a reconnection interval (in milliseconds)
00231         */
00232         virtual int64_t getReconnectInterval() const;
00234         /**
00235         * Specify the reconnection interval (in milliseconds). This value indicates the period
00236         * in which re-synchronization with the underlying cache will be delayed in the case the
00237         * connection is severed.  During this time period, local content can be accessed without
00238         * triggering re-synchronization of the local content.
00239         *
00240         * @param cReconnectMillis  reconnection interval (in milliseconds). A value of zero
00241         *                          or less means that the ContinuousQueryCache cannot
00242         *                          be used when not connected.
00243         */
00244         virtual void setReconnectInterval(int64_t cReconnectMillis);
00246         /**
00247         * Return the Supplier used to provide the name of this ContinuousQueryCache.
00248         *
00249         * @return the Supplier used to provide the name of this ContinuousQueryCache
00250         *
00251         * @since
00252         */
00253         virtual Supplier::View getCacheNameSupplier() const;
00255         /**
00256         * Provide the Supplier used to provide the name of this ContinuousQueryCache.
00257         *
00258         * @param vCacheNameSupplier the Supplier used to provide the name of this ContinuousQueryCache
00259         *
00260         * @since
00261         */
00262         virtual void setCacheNameSupplier(Supplier::View vCacheNameSupplier);
00264     protected:
00265         /**
00266         * Create the internal cache used by the ContinuousQueryCache.
00267         *
00268         * @return a new ObservableMap that will represent the materialized
00269         *         view of the ContinuousQueryCache
00270         */
00271         virtual ObservableMap::Handle instantiateInternalCache() const;
00273         /**
00274         * Obtain a reference to the internal cache. The internal cache
00275         * maintains all of the keys in the ContinuousQueryCache, and if
00276         * isCacheValues()is true, it also maintains the up-to-date values
00277         * corresponding to those keys.
00278         *
00279         * @return the internal cache that represents the materialized view of
00280         *         the ContinuousQueryCache
00281         */
00282         virtual ObservableMap::View getInternalCache() const;
00284         /**
00285         * Obtain a reference to the internal cache. The internal cache
00286         * maintains all of the keys in the ContinuousQueryCache, and if
00287         * isCacheValues()is true, it also maintains the up-to-date values
00288         * corresponding to those keys.
00289         *
00290         * @return the internal cache that represents the materialized view of
00291         *         the ContinuousQueryCache
00292         */
00293         virtual ObservableMap::Handle getInternalCache();
00295         /**
00296         * Determine if the ContinuousQueryCache has any listeners that cannot
00297         * be served by this Map listening to lite events.
00298         *
00299         * @return true iff there is at least one listener
00300         */
00301         virtual bool isObserved() const;
00303         /**
00304         * Specify whether the ContinuousQueryCache has any listeners that
00305         * cannot be served by this Map listening to lite events.
00306         *
00307         * @param fObserved  true iff there is at least one listener
00308         */
00309         virtual void setObserved(bool fObserved);
00311         /**
00312         * Change the state of the ContinuousQueryCache.
00313         *
00314         * @param nState  one of the STATE_ enums
00315         */
00316         virtual void changeState(int32_t nState) const;
00319     // ----- Map interface --------------------------------------------------
00321     public:
00322         /**
00323         * {@inheritDoc}
00324         */
00325         virtual Object::Holder get(Object::View vKey) const;
00327         /**
00328         * {@inheritDoc}
00329         */
00330         using Map::get;
00332         /**
00333         * {@inheritDoc}
00334         */
00335         virtual Object::Holder put(Object::View vKey, Object::Holder ohValue);
00337         /**
00338         * {@inheritDoc}
00339         */
00340         virtual Object::Holder remove(Object::View vKey);
00341         using Map::remove;
00343         /**
00344         * {@inheritDoc}
00345         */
00346         virtual void putAll(Map::View vMap);
00348         /**
00349         * {@inheritDoc}
00350         */
00351         virtual void clear();
00353         /**
00354         * {@inheritDoc}
00355         */
00356         virtual bool containsKey(Object::View vKey) const;
00358         /**
00359         * {@inheritDoc}
00360         */
00361         virtual Set::View keySet() const;
00363         /**
00364         * {@inheritDoc}
00365         */
00366         virtual Set::Handle keySet();
00368         /**
00369         * {@inheritDoc}
00370         */
00371         virtual Set::View entrySet() const;
00373         /**
00374         * {@inheritDoc}
00375         */
00376         virtual Set::Handle entrySet();
00378         /**
00379         * {@inheritDoc}
00380         */
00381         virtual size32_t size() const;
00384     // ----- CacheMap interface ---------------------------------------------
00386     public:
00387         /**
00388         * {@inheritDoc}
00389         */
00390         virtual Map::View getAll(Collection::View vKeys) const;
00392         /**
00393         * {@inheritDoc}
00394         */
00395         virtual Object::Holder put(Object::View vKey,
00396                 Object::Holder ohValue, int64_t cMillis);
00399     // ----- ObservableMap interface ----------------------------------------
00401     public:
00402         /**
00403         * {@inheritDoc}
00404         */
00405         virtual void addKeyListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00406                 Object::View vKey, bool fLite);
00408         /**
00409         * {@inheritDoc}
00410         */
00411         virtual void removeKeyListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00412                 Object::View vKey);
00414         /**
00415         * {@inheritDoc}
00416         */
00417         virtual void addMapListener(MapListener::Handle hListener);
00419         /**
00420         * {@inheritDoc}
00421         */
00422         virtual void removeMapListener(MapListener::Handle hListener);
00424         /**
00425         * {@inheritDoc}
00426         */
00427         virtual void addFilterListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00428                 Filter::View vFilter = NULL, bool fLite = false);
00430         /**
00431         * {@inheritDoc}
00432         */
00433         virtual void removeFilterListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00434                 Filter::View vFilter = NULL);
00437     // ----- QueryMap interface ---------------------------------------------
00439     public:
00440         /**
00441         * {@inheritDoc}
00442         */
00443         virtual Set::View keySet(Filter::View vFilter) const;
00445         /**
00446         * {@inheritDoc}
00447         */
00448         virtual Set::View entrySet(Filter::View vFilter) const;
00450         /**
00451         * {@inheritDoc}
00452         */
00453         virtual Set::View entrySet(Filter::View vFilter,
00454                 Comparator::View vComparator) const;
00456         /**
00457         * If isCacheValues is true, the index will be created locally as well as
00458         * on the NamedCache this ContinuousQueryCache wraps, otherwise, the index will be
00459         * created on the wrapped NamedCache only.
00460         *
00461         * See QueryMap::addIndex(ValueExtractor, bool, Comparator)
00462         */
00463         virtual void addIndex(ValueExtractor::View vExtractor,
00464                 bool fOrdered, Comparator::View vComparator);
00466         /**
00467         * If isCacheValues() is true, the index will be removed locally, however, this call
00468         * will not cause the index on the NamedCache this ContinuousQueryCache wraps.
00469         * Developers must remove the index on the wrapped cache manually.
00470         *
00471         * @see QueryMap::removeIndex(ValueExtractor)
00472         */
00473         virtual void removeIndex(ValueExtractor::View vExtractor);
00476     // ----- InvocableMap interface -----------------------------------------
00478     public:
00479         /**
00480         * {@inheritDoc}
00481         */
00482         virtual Object::Holder invoke(Object::View vKey,
00483                 InvocableMap::EntryProcessor::Handle hAgent);
00485         /**
00486         * {@inheritDoc}
00487         */
00488         virtual Map::View invokeAll(Collection::View vCollKeys,
00489                 InvocableMap::EntryProcessor::Handle hAgent);
00491         /**
00492         * {@inheritDoc}
00493         */
00494         virtual Map::View invokeAll(Filter::View vFilter,
00495                 InvocableMap::EntryProcessor::Handle hAgent);
00497         /**
00498         * {@inheritDoc}
00499         */
00500         virtual Object::Holder aggregate(Collection::View vCollKeys,
00501                 InvocableMap::EntryAggregator::Handle hAgent) const;
00503         /**
00504         * {@inheritDoc}
00505         */
00506         virtual Object::Holder aggregate(Filter::View vFilter,
00507                 InvocableMap::EntryAggregator::Handle hAgent) const;
00510     // ----- ConcurrentMap interface ----------------------------------------
00512     public:
00513         /**
00514         * {@inheritDoc}
00515         */
00516         virtual bool lock(Object::View vKey, int64_t cWait) const;
00518         /**
00519         * {@inheritDoc}
00520         */
00521         virtual bool lock(Object::View vKey) const;
00523         /**
00524         * {@inheritDoc}
00525         */
00526         virtual bool unlock(Object::View vKey) const;
00529     // ----- NamedCache interface -------------------------------------------
00531     public:
00532         /**
00533         * {@inheritDoc}
00534         */
00535         virtual String::View getCacheName() const;
00537         /**
00538         * {@inheritDoc}
00539         */
00540         virtual CacheService::Handle getCacheService();
00542         /**
00543         * {@inheritDoc}
00544         */
00545         virtual CacheService::View getCacheService() const;
00547         /**
00548         * {@inheritDoc}
00549         */
00550         virtual bool isActive() const;
00552         /**
00553         * {@inheritDoc}
00554         */
00555         virtual void release();
00557         /**
00558         * {@inheritDoc}
00559         */
00560         virtual void destroy();
00562         /**
00563         * {@inheritDoc}
00564         */
00565         virtual void truncate();
00568     // ----- inner class: AsynchronousEvent ---------------------------------
00570     public:
00571         /**
00572         * Encapsulates an event and a listener that are to be dispatched
00573         * asynchronously.
00574         */
00575         class AsynchronousEvent
00576                 : public class_spec<AsynchronousEvent>
00577             {
00578             friend class factory<AsynchronousEvent>;
00580             // ----- constructors/destructor ----------------------------
00582             protected:
00583                 /**
00584                 * @internal
00585                 */
00586                 AsynchronousEvent(MapEvent::Handle hEvent,
00587                         MapListener::Handle hListener);
00589             // ----- AsynchronousEvent interface -------------------------
00591             public:
00592                 /**
00593                 * Dispatch the event.
00594                 */
00595                 virtual void dispatch();
00597             // ----- data members ---------------------------------------
00599             protected:
00600                 /**
00601                 * The event to dispatch.
00602                 */
00603                 FinalHandle<MapEvent> f_hEvent;
00605                 /**
00606                 * The listener to receive the event.
00607                 */
00608                 FinalHandle<MapListener> f_hListener;
00609             };
00612     // ----- inner interface: EventQueueDaemon ------------------------------
00614     public:
00615         /**
00616         * Daemon thread used to dispatch messages asynchronously.
00617         */
00618         class COH_EXPORT TaskDaemon
00619                 : public interface_spec<TaskDaemon>
00620             {
00621             public:
00622                 /**
00623                 * Schedule an event for asynchronous processing
00624                 *
00625                 * @param hEvent  the event to dispatch
00626                 */
00627                 virtual void scheduleDispatch(
00628                         AsynchronousEvent::Handle hEvent) = 0;
00630                 /**
00631                 * Start the daemon thread.
00632                 */
00633                 virtual void start() = 0;
00635                 /**
00636                 * Stop the daemon thread.
00637                 */
00638                 virtual void stop() = 0;
00639             };
00642     // ----- internal -------------------------------------------------------
00644     protected:
00645         /**
00646         * Return a filter which merges the ContinousQueueCache's filter with
00647         * the supplied filter.
00648         *
00649         * @param vFilter  the filter to merge with this cache's filter
00650         *
00651         * @return the merged filter
00652         */
00653         virtual Filter::View mergeFilter(Filter::View vFilter) const;
00655         /**
00656         * Check the read-only setting to verify that the cache is NOT
00657         * read-only.
00658         *
00659         * @throws IllegalStateException if the ContinuousQueryCache is
00660         *         read-only
00661         */
00662         virtual void checkReadOnly() const;
00664         /**
00665         * Check the passed value to verify that it does belong in this
00666         * ContinuousQueryCache.
00667         *
00668         * @param vEntry  a key value pair to check.
00669         *
00670         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the entry does not belong in
00671         *         this ContinuousQueryCache (based on the cache's filter)
00672         */
00673         virtual void checkEntry(Map::Entry::View vEntry);
00675         /**
00676         * Check the passed value to verify that it does belong in this
00677         * ContinuousQueryCache.
00678         *
00679         * @param vKey     the key for the entry
00680         * @param ohValue  the value for the entry
00681         *
00682         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the entry does not belong in
00683         *         this ContinuousQueryCache (based on the cache's filter)
00684         */
00685         virtual void checkEntry(Object::View vKey, Object::Holder ohValue);
00687         /**
00688         * Return a String description of the provided STATE_* variables.
00689         *
00690         * @param nState  the state for which a description will be returned
00691         *
00692         * @return the state description
00693         *
00694         * @throws IllegalStateException if an unknown state is provided
00695         *
00696         * @since
00697         */
00698         virtual String::View getStateString(int32_t nState) const;
00700         /**
00701         * Set up the listeners that keep the ContinuousQueryCache up-to-date.
00702         *
00703         * @param fReload  pass true to force a data reload
00704         */
00705         virtual void configureSynchronization(bool fReload) const;
00707         /**
00708         * Simple helper to create an exception for communicating invalid state transitions.
00709         *
00710         * @param nExpectedState  expected state
00711         * @param nActualState    actual state
00712         *
00713         * @return a new {@link RuntimeException} with a description of the invalid state transition
00714         *
00715         * @since
00716         */
00717         virtual RuntimeException::View createUnexpectedStateException(int32_t nExpectedState, int32_t nActualState) const;
00719         /**
00720         * Wrap specified MapEventFilter with a MapEventTransformerFilter that
00721         * will either transform cache value using transformer defined for this
00722         * ContinuousQueryCache, or remove the old value from the event using
00723         * SemiLiteEventTransformer, if no transformer is defined for this CQC.
00724         *
00725         * @param filterAdd  add filter to wrap
00726         *
00727         * @return MapEventTransformerFilter that wraps specified add filter
00728         *
00729         * @since Coherence 12.1.2
00730         */
00731         virtual Filter::View createTransformerFilter(
00732             MapEventFilter::View vFilterAdd) const;
00734         /**
00735         * Ensure that the ContinousQueryCache listeners have been registered
00736         * and its content synchronized with the underlying NamedCache.
00737         *
00738         * @param fReload  the value to pass to the #configureSynchronization
00739         *                 method if the ContinousQueryCache needs to be
00740         *                 configured and synchronized
00741         */
00742         virtual void ensureSynchronized(bool fReload) const;
00744         /**
00745         * Called when an event has occurred. Allows the key to be logged as
00746         * requiring deferred synchronization if the event occurs during the
00747         * configuration or population of the ContinuousQueryCache.
00748         *
00749         * @param vKey  the key that the event is related to
00750         *
00751         * @return true if the event processing has been deferred
00752         */
00753         virtual bool isEventDeferred(Object::View vKey) const;
00755         /**
00756         * Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present. This
00757         * method exists to allow sub-classes to optmiize remove
00758         * functionalitly for situations in which the original value is not
00759         * required.
00760         *
00761         * @param vKey key whose mapping is to be removed from the map
00762         *
00763         * @return true iff the Map changed as the result of this operation
00764         */
00765         virtual bool removeBlind(Object::View vKey);
00767         /**
00768         * Obtain a set of keys that are represented by this Map.
00769         *
00770         * @return an internal Set of keys that are contained by this Map
00771         */
00772         virtual Set::View getInternalKeySet() const;
00774         /**
00775         * Return the underlying cache.
00776         *
00777         * @return the underlying cache
00778         */
00779         virtual NamedCache::Handle getCacheInternal() const;
00781         /**
00782         * Factory Method: Instantiate a MapListener for adding items to the
00783         * query, and (if there are listeners on the ContinuousQueryCache) for
00784         * dispatching inserts and updates.
00785         *
00786         * @return a new MapListener that will add items to and update items
00787         *         in the ContinuousQueryCache
00788         */
00789         virtual MapListener::Handle instantiateAddListener() const;
00791         /**
00792         * Factory Method: Instantiate a MapListener for evicting items from
00793         * the query.
00794         *
00795         * @return a new MapListener that will listen to all events that will
00796         *         remove items from the ContinuousQueryCache
00797         */
00798         virtual MapListener::Handle instantiateRemoveListener() const;
00800         /**
00801         * Instantiate and register a MemberListener with the underlying
00802         * caches's service.
00803         * 
00804         * The primary goal of that listener is invalidation of the front map
00805         * in case of the service [automatic] restart.
00806         */
00807         virtual void registerServiceListener() const;
00809         /**
00810         * Unregister underlying caches's service member listener.
00811         */
00812         virtual void unregisterServiceListener() const;
00814         /**
00815         * Create and initialize this ContinuousQueryCache's (if not already present) internal cache.
00816         * This method is called by configureSynchronization, as such, it shouldn't be called
00817         * directly.  Use getInternalCache.
00818         *
00819         * @return the ObservableMap functioning as this ContinuousQueryCache's
00820         *        internal cache
00821         *
00822         * @since
00823         */
00824         virtual ObservableMap::Handle ensureInternalCache() const;
00826         /**
00827         * Verify that the non-existent keys are NOT present in the
00828         * underlying cache (assumption is most keys in the collection are
00829         * already in the ContinuousQueryCache).
00830         *
00831         * @param vCollKeys the keys to check the underlying cache against.
00832         *
00833         * @return the NamedCache
00834         *
00835         * @throws coherence::lang::IllegalStateException if any of the keys in
00836         *         collKeys doesn't exist within the ContinuousQueryCache
00837         *
00838         * @since
00839         */
00840         virtual void ensureSaneCache(Collection::View vCollKeys) const;
00842         /**
00843         * Instantiate and register a NamedCacheDeactivationListener with the underlying cache
00844         * service.
00845         * 
00846         * The primary goal of that listener is invalidation of the named cache
00847         * in case the named caches is destroyed / truncated.
00848         *
00849         * @since
00850         */
00851         virtual void registerDeactivationListener() const;
00853         /**
00854         * Unregister underlying cache service member listener.
00855         *
00856         * @since
00857         */
00858         virtual void unregisterDeactivationListener() const;
00860         /**
00861         * Release the listeners.
00862         *
00863         * @since
00864         */
00865         virtual void releaseListeners() const;
00867         /**
00868         * Factory Method: Instantiate a listener on the internal map that
00869         * will direct events to the passed listener, either synchronously or
00870         * asynchronously as appropriate.
00871         *
00872         * @param hListener  the listener to route to
00873         * @param fLite      true to indicate that the MapEvent objects do
00874         *                   not have to include the OldValue and NewValue
00875         *                   property values in order to allow optimizations
00876         *
00877         * @return a new EventRouter specific to the passed listener
00878         */
00879         virtual MultiplexingMapListener::Handle instantiateEventRouter(
00880                 MapListener::Handle hListener, bool fLite) const;
00882         /**
00883         * Create a self-processing event queue.
00884         *
00885         * @return a QueueProcessor onto which events can be placed in order
00886         *         to be dispatched asynchronously
00887         */
00888         virtual TaskDaemon::Handle instantiateEventQueue() const;
00890         /**
00891         * Obtain this ContinuousQueryCache's event queue.
00892         *
00893         * @return the event queue that this ContinuousQueryCache uses to
00894         *         dispatch its events to its non-synchronous listeners
00895         */
00896         virtual TaskDaemon::Handle getEventQueue() const;
00898         /**
00899         * Obtain the existing event queue or create one if none exists.
00900         *
00901         * @return the event queue that this ContinuousQueryCache uses to
00902         *         dispatch its events to its non-synchronous listeners
00903         */
00904         virtual TaskDaemon::Handle ensureEventQueue() const;
00906         /**
00907         * Shut down running event queue.
00908         */
00909         virtual void shutdownEventQueue();
00911         /**
00912         * Create a new key set.
00913         *
00914         * @return the new key set
00915         */
00916         virtual Set::Handle instantiateKeySet();
00918         /**
00919         * Create a new EntrySet
00920         *
00921         * @return the new empty set
00922         */
00923         virtual Set::Handle instantiateEntrySet();
00925         /**
00926         * Ensure that the map of indexes maintained by this cache exists.
00927         *
00928         * @return the map of indexes.
00929         */
00930         virtual Map::Handle ensureIndexMap();
00932         /**
00933         * Get the map of indexes maintained by this cache.
00934         *
00935         * @return the map of indexes.
00936         */
00937         virtual Map::View getIndexMap() const;
00939         /**
00940         * Get the map of indexes maintained by this cache.
00941         *
00942         * @return the map of indexes.
00943         */
00944         virtual Map::Handle getIndexMap();
00946         /**
00947         * Release the the entire index map.
00948         */
00949         virtual void releaseIndexMap();
00951     // ----- Object interface -----------------------------------------------
00953     protected:
00954         /**
00955         * {@inheritDoc}
00956         */
00957         virtual void onInit();
00960     // ----- constants ------------------------------------------------------
00962     public:
00963         /**
00964         * State: Disconnected state. The content of the ContinousQueryCache is
00965         * not fully synchronized with the underlying [clustered] cache. If the
00966         * value of the ReconnectInterval property is zero, it must be
00967         * configured (synchronized) before it can be used.
00968         */
00969         static const int32_t state_disconnected  = 0;
00971         /**
00972         * State: The ContinuousQueryCache is configuring or re-configuring its
00973         * listeners and content.
00974         */
00975         static const int32_t state_configuring  = 1;
00977         /**
00978         * State: The ContinousQueryCache has been configured.
00979         */
00980         static const int32_t state_configured   = 2;
00982         /**
00983         * State: The ContinousQueryCache has been configured and fully
00984         * synchronized.
00985         */
00986         static const int32_t state_synchronized = 3;
00989     // ----- data members ---------------------------------------------------
00991     protected:
00992         /**
00993         * The underlying NamedCache object.
00994         */
00995         mutable MemberHandle<NamedCache> m_hCache;
00997         /**
00998         * The name of the underlying NamedCache. A copy is kept here because
00999         * the reference to the underlying NamedCache is discarded when this
01000         * cache is released.
01001         */
01002         FinalView<String> f_vsName;
01004         /**
01005         * The filter that represents the subset of information from the
01006         * underlying NamedCache that this ContinuousQueryCache represents.
01007         */
01008         FinalView<Filter> f_vFilter;
01010         /**
01011         * The option of whether or not to locally cache values.
01012         */
01013         bool m_fCacheValues;
01015         /**
01016         * The option to disallow modifications through this
01017         * ContinuousQueryCache interface.
01018         */
01019         bool m_fReadOnly;
01021         /**
01022         * The interval (in milliseconds) that indicates how often the
01023         * ContinuousQueryCache should attempt to synchronize its content with
01024         * the underlying cache in case the connection is severed.
01025         */
01026         int64_t m_cReconnectMillis;
01028         /**
01029         * The timestamp when the synchronization was last attempted.
01030         */
01031         mutable Volatile<int64_t> m_ldtConnectionTimestamp;
01033         /**
01034         * The keys that are in this ContinuousQueryCache, and (if
01035         * m_fCacheValues is true) the corresponding values as well.
01036         */
01037         mutable MemberHandle<ObservableMap> m_hMapLocal;
01039         /**
01040         * State of the ContinousQueryCache. One of the STATE_* enums.
01041         */
01042         mutable Volatile<int32_t> m_nState;
01044         /**
01045         * While the ContinuousQueryCache is configuring or re-configuring its
01046         * listeners and content, any events that are received must be logged
01047         * to ensure that the corresponding content is in sync.
01048         */
01049         mutable MemberHandle<Map> m_hMapSyncReq;
01051         /**
01052         * The event queue for this ContinuousQueryCache.
01053         */
01054         mutable MemberHandle<TaskDaemon> m_hTaskQueue;
01056         /**
01057         * Keeps track of whether the ContinuousQueryCache has listeners that
01058         * require this cache to cache values.
01059         */
01060         bool m_fListeners;
01062         /**
01063         * The MapEventFilter that uses the ContinuousQueryCache's filter to
01064         * select events that would add elements to this cache's contents.
01065         */
01066         mutable MemberView<MapEventFilter> m_vFilterAdd;
01068         /**
01069         * The MapEventFilter that uses the ContinuousQueryCache's filter to
01070         * select events that would remove elements from this cache's contents.
01071         */
01072         mutable MemberView<MapEventFilter> m_vFilterRemove;
01074         /**
01075         * The listener that gets information about what should be in this
01076         * cache.
01077         */
01078         mutable WeakHandle<MapListener> m_whListenerAdd;
01080         /**
01081         * The listener that gets information about what should be thrown out
01082         * of this cache.
01083         */
01084         mutable WeakHandle<MapListener> m_whListenerRemove;
01086         /**
01087         * The cache service MemberListener for the underlying NamedCache.
01088         */
01089         mutable WeakHandle<MemberListener> m_whListenerService;
01091         /*
01092         * The initial MapListener that will receive all the events from the
01093         * ContinuousQueryCache, including those corresponding to its initial
01094         * population.
01095         */
01096         mutable MemberHandle<MapListener> m_hListener;
01098         /**
01099         * The transformer that should be used to convert values from the
01100         * underlying cache.
01101         */
01102         FinalView<ValueExtractor> f_vTransformer;
01104         /**
01105         * The map of indexes maintained by this cache. The keys of the Map are
01106         * ValueExtractor objects, and for each key, the corresponding value
01107         * stored in the Map is a MapIndex object.
01108         */
01109         FinalHandle<Map> f_hMapIndex;
01111         /**
01112         * KeySet backed by this cache
01113         */
01114         FinalHandle<Set> f_hSetKeys;
01116         /**
01117         * EntrySet backed by this cache
01118         */
01119         FinalHandle<Set> f_hSetEntries;
01121         /**
01122         * The Supplier of the NamedCache to create a view of. The Supplier must return
01123         * a new instance every time the supplier's get() method is called.
01124         *
01125         * @since
01126         */
01127         FinalView<Supplier> f_vCacheSupplier;
01129         /**
01130         * The optional supplier to obtain this cache's name.
01131         *
01132         * @since
01133         */
01134         MemberView<Supplier> m_vCacheNameSupplier;
01136         /**
01137         * The NamedCache deactivation listener.
01138         *
01139         * @since
01140         */
01141         mutable MemberHandle<MapListener> m_hListenerDeactivation;
01144     // ----- friends --------------------------------------------------------
01146     friend class AddListener;
01147     friend class RemoveListener;
01148     friend class ServiceListener;
01149     friend class EventRouter;
01150     friend class KeySet;
01151     friend class EntrySet;
01152     friend class KeySetMuterator;
01153     friend class EntrySetIterator;
01154     friend class DeactivationListener;
01155     };
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