Oracle® Fusion Middleware C++ API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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00001 /*
00002 * MapEventFilter.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00019 #include "coherence/lang.ns"
00021 #include "coherence/io/pof/PofReader.hpp"
00022 #include "coherence/io/pof/PofWriter.hpp"
00023 #include "coherence/io/pof/PortableObject.hpp"
00024 #include "coherence/util/Describable.hpp"
00025 #include "coherence/util/Filter.hpp"
00027 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE3(coherence,util,filter)
00029 using coherence::io::pof::PofReader;
00030 using coherence::io::pof::PofWriter;
00031 using coherence::io::pof::PortableObject;
00034 /**
00035 * Filter which evaluates the content of a MapEvent object according to the
00036 * specified criteria.  This filter is intended to be used by various
00037 * ObservableMap listeners that are interested in particular subsets
00038 * of MapEvent notifications emitted by the map.
00039 *
00040 * Usage examples:
00041 * <ul>
00042 * <li>a filter that evaluates to true if an Employee object is inserted into
00043 *     a cache with a value of Married property set to true.
00044 * <pre>
00045 *   MapEventFilter::create(MapEventFilter.E_INSERT,
00046 *       EqualsFilter::create(ReflectionExtractor::create("isMarried"),
00047 *               Boolean::create(true));
00048 * </pre>
00049 * <li>a filter that evaluates to true if any object is removed from a cache.
00050 * <pre>
00051 *   MapEventFilter::create(MapEventFilter::E_DELETED);
00052 * </pre>
00053 * <li>a filter that evaluates to true if there is an update to an Employee
00054 *     object where either an old or new value of LastName property equals to
00055 *     "Smith"
00056 * <pre>
00057 *   MapEventFilter::create(MapEventFilter::E_UPDATE,
00058 *       EqualsFilter::create(ReflectionExtractor::create("LastName"),
00059 *               String::create("Smith")));
00060 * </pre>
00061 * <li>a filter that is used to keep a cached keySet result based on some map
00062 *     filter up-to-date.
00063 * <pre>
00064 *   Set::View    setKeys   = HashSet::create();
00065 *   Filter::View filterEvt = MapEventFilter::create(filterMap);
00066 *   MapListener::Handle listener = MapListener::create();
00067 *   map.addMapListener(listener, filterEvt, true);
00068 *   setKeys.addAll(map.keySet(filterMap));
00069 * </pre>
00070 * </ul>
00071 *
00072 * see ValueChangeEventFilter
00073 *
00074 * @author djl  2008.05.19
00075 */
00076 class COH_EXPORT MapEventFilter
00077     : public class_spec<MapEventFilter,
00078         extends<Describable>,
00079         implements<PortableObject, Filter> >
00080     {
00081     friend class factory<MapEventFilter>;
00083     // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
00085     protected:
00086         /**
00087         * Default constructor (necessary for the PortableObject interface).
00088         */
00089         MapEventFilter();
00091         /**
00092         * Construct a MapEventFilter that evaluates MapEvent objects that
00093         * would affect the results of a keySet filter issued by a previous
00094         * call to
00095         * coherence::util::QueryMap::keySet(coherence::util::Filter::View).
00096         *  It is possible to easily implement <i>continuous query</i>
00097         * functionality.
00098         *
00099         * Using this constructor is equivalent to:
00100         * <tt>
00101         * MapEventFilter::create(e_keyset, vFilter);
00102         * </tt>
00103         *
00104         * @param vFilter  the filter passed previously to a keySet() query
00105         * method
00106         */
00107         MapEventFilter(Filter::View vFilter);
00109         /**
00110         * Construct a MapEventFilter that evaluates MapEvent objects
00111         * based on the specified combination of event types.
00112         *
00113         * @param nMask    combination of any of the e_* values
00114         * @param vFilter  (optional) the filter used for evaluating event
00115         *                 values
00116         */
00117         MapEventFilter(int32_t nMask, Filter::View vFilter = NULL);
00119     private:
00120         /**
00121         * Blocked copy constructor.
00122         */
00123         MapEventFilter(const MapEventFilter&);
00126     // ----- Filter interface -----------------------------------------------
00128     public:
00129         /**
00130         * {@inheritDoc}
00131         */
00132         virtual bool evaluate(Object::View v) const;
00135    // ----- PortableObject interface ---------------------------------------
00137      public:
00138         /**
00139         * {@inheritDoc}
00140         */
00141         virtual void readExternal(PofReader::Handle hIn);
00143         /**
00144         * {@inheritDoc}
00145         */
00146         virtual void writeExternal(PofWriter::Handle hOut) const;
00149     // ----- Object interface -----------------------------------------------
00151     public:
00152         /**
00153         * {@inheritDoc}
00154         */
00155         virtual bool equals(Object::View v) const;
00157         /**
00158         * {@inheritDoc}
00159         */
00160         virtual size32_t hashCode() const;
00162         /**
00163         * {@inheritDoc}
00164         */
00165         virtual TypedHandle<const String> toString() const;
00168     // ----- Describable interface ------------------------------------------
00170     public:
00171         /**
00172         * {@inheritDoc}
00173         */
00174         virtual String::View getDescription() const;
00177     // ----- data member accessors ------------------------------------------
00179     public:
00180         /**
00181         * Obtain the event mask. The mask value is concatenation of any of
00182         * the E_* values.
00183         *
00184         * @return the event mask
00185         */
00186         virtual int32_t getEventMask() const;
00189         /**
00190         * Obtain the Filter object used to evaluate the event value(s).
00191         *
00192         * @return the filter used to evaluate the event value(s)
00193         */
00194         virtual Filter::View getFilter() const;
00196     // ----- constants ------------------------------------------------------
00198     public:
00199         /**
00200         * This value indicates that MapEvent#entry_inserted
00201         * entry_inserted} events should be evaluated. The event will be fired
00202         *  if there is no filter specified or the filter evaluates to true
00203         * for a new value.
00204         */
00205         static const int32_t e_inserted       = 0x0001;
00207         /**
00208         * This value indicates that MapEvent#entry_updated entry_updated
00209         * events should be evaluated. The event will be fired if there is no
00210         * filter specified or the filter evaluates to true when applied to
00211         * either old or new value.
00212         */
00213         static const int32_t e_updated        = 0x0002;
00215         /**
00216         * This value indicates that MapEvent#entry_deleted entry_deleted
00217         * events should be evaluated. The event will be fired if there is no
00218         * filter specified or the filter evaluates to true for an old value.
00219         */
00220         static const int32_t e_deleted        = 0x0004;
00222         /**
00223         * This value indicates that MapEvent#entry_updated entry_updated
00224         * events should be evaluated, but only if filter evaluation is false
00225         * for the old value and true for the new value. This corresponds to
00226         * an item that was not in a keySet filter result changing such that
00227         * it would now be in that keySet filter result.
00228         */
00229         static const int32_t e_updated_entered = 0x0008;
00231         /**
00232         * This value indicates that MapEvent#entry_updated entry_updated
00233         * events should be evaluated, but only if filter evaluation is true
00234         * for the old value and false for the new value. This corresponds to
00235         * an item that was in a keySet filter result changing such that it
00236         * would no longer be in that keySet filter result.
00237         */
00238         static const int32_t e_updated_left   = 0x0010;
00240         /**
00241         * This value indicates that MapEvent#entry_updated entry_updated
00242         * events should be evaluated, but only if filter evaluation is true
00243         * for both the old and the new value. This corresponds to an item
00244         * that was in a keySet filter result changing but not leaving the
00245         * keySet filter result.
00246         */
00247         static const int32_t e_updated_within = 0x0020;
00249         /**
00250         * This value indicates that all events should be evaluated.
00251         */
00252         static const int32_t e_all            = e_inserted | e_updated |
00253                                                 e_deleted;
00255         /**
00256         * This value indicates that all events that would affect the result
00257         * of a coherence::util::QueryMap::keySet(coherence::util::Filter)
00258         * query should be evaluated.
00259         */
00260         static const int32_t e_keyset         = e_inserted | e_deleted |
00261                                                 e_updated_entered  |
00262                                                 e_updated_left;
00263         /**
00264         * Event id to event mask translation.
00265         *
00266         * @param iEvent  the event index
00267         *
00268         * @return the translated event mask
00269         */
00270         static int32_t getMask(size32_t iEvent);
00273     // ----- data members ---------------------------------------------------
00275     protected:
00276         /**
00277         * The event mask.
00278         */
00279         int32_t m_nMask;
00281         /**
00282         * The event value(s) filter.
00283         */
00284         FinalView<Filter> f_vFilter;
00285     };
00289 #endif // COH_MAP_EVENT_FILTER_HPP
Copyright © 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.