Oracle® Fusion Middleware C++ API Reference for Oracle Coherence
14c (



00001 /*
00002 * OldCache.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00016 #ifndef COH_OLD_CACHE_HPP
00017 #define COH_OLD_CACHE_HPP
00019 #include "coherence/lang.ns"
00021 #include "coherence/net/cache/CacheMap.hpp"
00022 #include "coherence/net/cache/EvictionPolicy.hpp"
00023 #include "coherence/net/cache/SimpleCacheStatistics.hpp"
00024 #include "coherence/net/cache/UnitCalculator.hpp"
00026 #include "coherence/util/Collection.hpp"
00027 #include "coherence/util/Comparator.hpp"
00028 #include "coherence/util/Filter.hpp"
00029 #include "coherence/util/InvocableMap.hpp"
00030 #include "coherence/util/Iterator.hpp"
00031 #include "coherence/util/Map.hpp"
00032 #include "coherence/util/MapKeySet.hpp"
00033 #include "coherence/util/MapListener.hpp"
00034 #include "coherence/util/MapListenerSupport.hpp"
00035 #include "coherence/util/MapValuesCollection.hpp"
00036 #include "coherence/util/Muterator.hpp"
00037 #include "coherence/util/ObservableMap.hpp"
00038 #include "coherence/util/SafeHashMap.hpp"
00039 #include "coherence/util/Set.hpp"
00040 #include "coherence/util/ValueExtractor.hpp"
00044 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE3(coherence,net,cache)
00046 using coherence::util::Collection;
00047 using coherence::util::Comparator;
00048 using coherence::util::Filter;
00049 using coherence::util::InvocableMap;
00050 using coherence::util::Iterator;
00051 using coherence::util::Map;
00052 using coherence::util::MapKeySet;
00053 using coherence::util::MapListener;
00054 using coherence::util::MapListenerSupport;
00055 using coherence::util::MapValuesCollection;
00056 using coherence::util::Muterator;
00057 using coherence::util::ObservableMap;
00058 using coherence::util::SafeHashMap;
00059 using coherence::util::Set;
00060 using coherence::util::ValueExtractor;
00063 /**
00064 * A generic cache manager.
00065 *
00066 * The implementation is thread safe and uses a combination of
00067 * Most Recently Used (MRU) and Most Frequently Used (MFU) caching
00068 * strategies.
00069 *
00070 * The cache is size-limited, which means that once it reaches its maximum
00071 * size ("high-water mark") it prunes itself (to its "low-water mark"). The
00072 * cache high- and low-water-marks are measured in terms of "units", and each
00073 * cached item by default uses one unit. All of the cache constructors, except
00074 * for the default constructor, require the maximum number of units to be
00075 * passed in. To change the number of units that each cache entry uses, either
00076 * set the Units property of the cache entry, or extend the Cache
00077 * implementation so that the inner Entry class calculates its own unit size.
00078 * To determine the current, high-water and low-water sizes of the cache, use
00079 * the cache object's Units, HighUnits and LowUnits properties. The HighUnits
00080 * and LowUnits properties can be changed, even after the cache is in use.
00081 * To specify the LowUnits value as a percentage when constructing the cache,
00082 * use the extended constructor taking the percentage-prune-level.
00083 *
00084 * Each cached entry expires after one hour by default. To alter this
00085 * behavior, use a constructor that takes the expiry-millis; for example, an
00086 * expiry-millis value of 10000 will expire entries after 10 seconds. The
00087 * ExpiryDelay property can also be set once the cache is in use, but it
00088 * will not affect the expiry of previously cached items.
00089 *
00090 * The cache can optionally be flushed on a periodic basis by setting
00091 * the FlushDelay property or scheduling a specific flush time by setting
00092 * the FlushTime property.
00093 *
00094 * Cache hit statistics can be obtained from the CacheHits, CacheMisses,
00095 * HitProbability, KeyHitProbability and CompositeHitProbability read-only
00096 * properties. The statistics can be reset by invoking resetHitStatistics.
00097 * The statistics are automatically reset when the cache is cleared (the clear
00098 * method).
00099 *
00100 * The OldCache implements the ObservableMap interface, meaning it provides
00101 * event notifications to any interested listener for each insert, update and
00102 * delete, including those that occur when the cache is pruned or entries
00103 * are automatically expired.
00104 *
00105 * This implementation is designed to support extension through inheritence.
00106 * When overriding the inner Entry class, the OldCache.instantiateEntry factory
00107 * method must be overridden to instantiate the correct Entry sub-class. To
00108 * override the one-unit-per-entry default behavior, extend the inner Entry
00109 * class and override the calculateUnits method.
00110 *
00111 * The C++ version of OldCache requires a call release(), in order for it to
00112 * be collected.  Not including a call to release will result in the OldCache
00113 * being leaked.
00114 *
00115 * @author nsa 2008.06.23
00116 */
00117 class COH_EXPORT OldCache
00118     : public class_spec<OldCache,
00119          extends<SafeHashMap>,
00120          implements<ObservableMap, CacheMap> >
00121     {
00122     friend class factory<OldCache>;
00124     // ----- handle definitions (needed for nested classes) -----------------
00126     public:
00127         typedef this_spec::Handle Handle;
00128         typedef this_spec::View   View;
00129         typedef this_spec::Holder Holder;
00132     // ----- constants ------------------------------------------------------
00133     public:
00134         /**
00135         * By default, the cache size (in units).
00136         */
00137         static const size32_t default_units = 1000;
00139         /**
00140         * By default, the cache entries expire after one hour.
00141         */
00142         static const int32_t default_expire  = 3600000;
00144         /**
00145         * By default, expired cache entries are flushed on a minute interval.
00146         */
00147         static const int32_t default_flush   = 60000;
00149         /**
00150         * Unit calculator configuration enum
00151         */
00152         typedef enum
00153             {
00154             /**
00155             * Specifies the default unit calculator that weighs all entries
00156             * equally as 1.
00157             */
00158             unit_calculator_fixed    = 0,
00159             /**
00160             * Specifies an external (custom) unit calculator implementation.
00161             */
00162             unit_calculator_external = 2
00163             } UnitCalculatorType;
00165         /**
00166         * By default, when the cache prunes, it reduces its entries by 25%,
00167         * meaning it retains 75% (.75) of its entries.
00168         */
00169         static float64_t getDefaultPrune();
00172     // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
00174     protected:
00175         /**
00176         * Construct an instanceo of OldCache
00177         *
00178         * @param vsName           the Name of the cache to construct
00179         * @param cUnits           the number of units that the cache manager
00180         *                         will cache before pruning the cache
00181         * @param cExpiryMillis    the number of milliseconds that each cache
00182         *                         entry lives before being automatically
00183         *                         expired
00184         * @param dflPruneLevel    the percentage of the total number of units
00185         *                         that will remain after the cache manager
00186         *                         prunes the cache (i.e. this is the
00187         *                         "low water mark" value); this value is in
00188         *                         the range 0.0 to 1.0
00189         * @param cInitialBuckets  the initial number of hash buckets,
00190         *                         0 &lt; n
00191         * @param flLoadFactor     the acceptable load factor before resizing
00192         *                         occurs, 0 &lt; n, such that a load factor
00193         *                         of 1.0 causes resizing when the number of
00194         *                         entries exceeds the number of buckets
00195         * @param flGrowthRate     the rate of bucket growth when a resize
00196         *                         occurs, 0 &lt; n, such that a growth rate
00197         *                         of 1.0 will double the number of buckets:
00198         *                         bucketcount = bucketcount * (1 + growthrate)
00199         */
00200         OldCache(size32_t cUnits = default_units,
00201                 int32_t cExpiryMillis = default_expire,
00202                 float64_t dflPruneLevel = 0.75F,
00203                 size32_t cInitialBuckets = 17,
00204                 float32_t flLoadFactor = 1.0F,
00205                 float32_t flGrowthRate = 3.0F);
00208     // ----- forward declarations -------------------------------------------
00210     protected:
00211         class KeySet;
00212         class ValuesCollection;
00215     // ----- inner class: Entry ---------------------------------------------
00217     public:
00218         /**
00219         * Entry for the local cache extends SafeHashMap::Entry adding
00220         * entry statistics used for the various eviction policies
00221         */
00222         class COH_EXPORT Entry
00223             : public cloneable_spec<Entry,
00224                 extends<SafeHashMap::Entry> >
00225             {
00226             friend class factory<Entry>;
00228             // ----- constructor ----------------------------------------
00230             protected:
00231                 /**
00232                 * Create a new OldCache::Entry
00233                 *
00234                 * @param vKey     the associated key
00235                 * @param ohValue  the associated value
00236                 * @param nHash    the associated hash code
00237                 * @param hCache   reference to the cache containing this
00238                 *                 entry
00239                 */
00240                 Entry(Object::View vKey, Object::Holder ohValue,
00241                         size32_t nHash, OldCache::Handle hCache);
00243                 /**
00244                 * Copy constructor
00245                 */
00246                 Entry(const Entry& that);
00248                 /**
00249                 * Copy an Entry.
00250                 *
00251                 * @param vThat   the entry to copy
00252                 */
00253                 Entry(Entry::View vThat);
00255             // ----- LocalCache::Entry interface ------------------------
00257             public:
00258                 /**
00259                 * Determine if the cache entry has expired.
00260                 *
00261                 * @return true if the cache entry was subject to automatic
00262                 *         expiry and the current time is greater than the
00263                 *         entry's expiry time
00264                 */
00265                 virtual bool isExpired() const;
00267                 /**
00268                 * Calculate a cache priority.
00269                 *
00270                 * @return a value between 0 and 10, 0 being the highest
00271                 *         priority
00272                 */
00273                 virtual int32_t getPriority() const;
00275             protected:
00276                 /**
00277                 * Called to inform the Entry that it is no longer used.
00278                 */
00279                 virtual void discard();
00281                 /**
00282                 * Determine if this entry has already been discarded from the
00283                 * cache.
00284                 *
00285                 * @return true if this entry has been discarded
00286                 */
00287                 virtual bool isDiscarded();
00289                 /**
00290                 * Reschedule the cache entry expiration.
00291                 */
00292                 virtual void scheduleExpiry();
00294                 /**
00295                 * Called each time the entry is accessed or modified.
00296                 */
00297                 virtual void touch();
00299                 /**
00300                 * Reset the number of times that the cache entry has been
00301                 * touched. The touch count does not get reset to zero, but
00302                 * rather to a fraction of its former self; this prevents long
00303                 * lived items from gaining an unassailable advantage in the
00304                 * eviction process.
00305                 *
00306                 * @since Coherence 3.5
00307                 */
00308                 virtual void resetTouchCount();
00310             // ----- SafeHashMap::Entry interface -----------------------
00312             public:
00313                 /**
00314                 * {@inheritDoc}
00315                 */
00316                 virtual void onAdd();
00318                 /**
00319                 * {@inheritDoc}
00320                 */
00321                 virtual Object::Holder setValue(Object::Holder ohValue);
00323             // ----- helper methods -------------------------------------
00325             protected:
00326                 /**
00327                 * Calculate a cache cost for the specified object.
00328                 *
00329                 * The default implementation uses the unit calculator type
00330                 * of the containing cache.
00331                 *
00332                 * @param ohValue  the cache value to evaluate for unit cost
00333                 *
00334                 * @return an integer value 0 or greater, with a larger value
00335                 *         signifying a higher cost
00336                 */
00337                 virtual size32_t calculateUnits(Object::Holder ohValue);
00339             // ----- Object interface -----------------------------------
00341             public:
00342                 /**
00343                 * {@inheritDoc}
00344                 */
00345                 virtual TypedHandle<const String> toString() const;
00348             // ----- accessors ------------------------------------------
00350             public:
00351                 /**
00352                 * Determine when the cache entry was created.
00353                 *
00354                 * @return the date/time value, in millis, when the entry was
00355                 * created
00356                 */
00357                 virtual int64_t getCreatedMillis() const;
00359                 /**
00360                 * Determine when the cache entry will expire, if ever.
00361                 *
00362                 * @return the date/time value, in millis, when the entry will
00363                 *         (or did) expire; zero indicates no expiry
00364                 */
00365                 virtual int64_t getExpiryMillis() const;
00367                 /**
00368                 * Determine when the cache entry was last touched.
00369                 *
00370                 * @return the date/time value, in millis, when the entry was
00371                 *         most recently touched
00372                 */
00373                 virtual int64_t getLastTouchMillis() const;
00375                 /**
00376                 * Determine the number of times that the cache entry has been
00377                 * touched.
00378                 *
00379                 * @return the number of times that the cache entry has been
00380                 *         touched
00381                 */
00382                 virtual int32_t getTouchCount() const;
00384                 /**
00385                 * Determine the number of cache units used by this Entry.
00386                 *
00387                 * @return an integer value 0 or greater, with a larger value
00388                 *         signifying a higher cost; -1 implies that the Entry
00389                 *         has been discarded
00390                 */
00391                 virtual size32_t getUnits() const;
00393                 /**
00394                 * Specify when the cache entry will expire, or disable
00395                 * expiry. Note that if the cache is configured for automatic
00396                 * expiry, each subsequent update to this cache entry will
00397                 * reschedule the expiry time.
00398                 *
00399                 * @param lMillis  pass the date/time value, in millis, for
00400                 *                 when the entry will expire, or pass zero to
00401                 *                 disable automatic expiry
00402                 */
00403                 virtual void setExpiryMillis(int64_t lMillis);
00405                 /**
00406                 * Specify the number of cache units used by this Entry.
00407                 *
00408                 * @param cUnits  an integer value 0 or greater, with a larger
00409                 *                value
00410                 */
00411                 virtual void setUnits(int32_t cUnits);
00413             private:
00414                 /**
00415                 * Package Private: Obtain the next cache entry in the chain of
00416                 * cache entries for a given hash bucket.
00417                 *
00418                 * @return the next cache entry in the hash bucket
00419                 */
00420                 Entry::Handle getNext();
00422                 /**
00423                 * Package Private: Obtain the next cache entry in the chain of
00424                 * cache entries for a given hash bucket.
00425                 *
00426                 * @return the next cache entry in the hash bucket
00427                 */
00428                 Entry::View getNext() const;
00430                 /**
00431                 * Specify the next cache entry in the chain of cache entries
00432                 * for a given hash bucket.
00433                 *
00434                 * @param hEntry  the next cache entry
00435                 */
00436                 void setNext(SafeHashMap::Entry::Handle hEntry);
00438                 /**
00439                 * Determine the most significant bit of the passed integral
00440                 * value.
00441                 *
00442                 * @param n  an int
00443                 *
00444                 * @return -1 if no bits are set; otherwise, the bit position
00445                 *         <tt>p</tt> of the most significant bit such that
00446                 *         <tt>1 &lt;&lt; p</tt> is the most significant bit
00447                 *         of <tt>n</tt>
00448                 */
00449                 int32_t indexOfMSB(size32_t n) const;
00451             // ----- data members ---------------------------------------
00453             protected:
00454                 /**
00455                 * The time at which this entry was created
00456                 */
00457                 Volatile<int64_t> m_dtCreated;
00459                 /**
00460                 * The time at which this Entry was last accessed.
00461                 */
00462                 Volatile<int64_t> m_dtLastUse;
00464                 /**
00465                 * The time at which this Entry will (or did) expire.
00466                 */
00467                 Volatile<int64_t> m_dtExpiry;
00469                 /**
00470                 * The number of times that this Entry has been accessed.
00471                 */
00472                 int32_t m_cUses;
00474                 /**
00475                 * The number of units for the Entry.
00476                 */
00477                 size32_t m_cUnits;
00479                 /**
00480                 * Reference back to the original cache.
00481                 */
00482                 mutable FinalHandle<OldCache> f_hCache;
00484             friend class OldCache::KeySet;
00485             friend class OldCache;
00486             friend class OldCache::ValuesCollection;
00487             };
00489         /**
00490         * {@inheritDoc}
00491         */
00492         virtual SafeHashMap::Entry::Handle instantiateEntry(
00493                 Object::View vKey, Object::Holder ohValue,
00494                 size32_t nHash);
00496         /**
00497         * {@inheritDoc}
00498         */
00499         virtual SafeHashMap::Entry::Handle instantiateEntry(
00500                 SafeHashMap::Entry::View vThat);
00503     // ----- inner class: IteratorFilter ------------------------------------
00505     protected:
00506         /**
00507         * This iterator will filter out expired entries from the result set
00508         * and expire them.
00509         */
00510         class IteratorFilter
00511             : public class_spec<IteratorFilter,
00512                 extends<Object>,
00513                 implements<Filter> >
00514             {
00515             friend class factory<IteratorFilter>;
00517             // ----- constructors ---------------------------------------
00519             protected:
00520                 /**
00521                 * @internal
00522                 */
00523                 IteratorFilter(OldCache::Holder thCache);
00525             // ----- Filter interface -----------------------------------
00527             public:
00528                 /**
00529                 * Apply the test to the object.
00530                 *
00531                 * @param v  the object to test
00532                 *
00533                 * @return true if the test passes, false otherwise
00534                 */
00535                 virtual bool evaluate(Object::View v) const;
00537             // ----- data members ---------------------------------------
00539             protected:
00540                 FinalHolder<OldCache> f_thCache;
00541             };
00544     // ----- inner class: EntrySet -----------------------------------------
00546     protected:
00547         /**
00548         * A set of entries backed by this map.
00549         */
00550         class EntrySet
00551             : public class_spec<EntrySet,
00552                 extends<SafeHashMap::EntrySet> >
00553             {
00554             friend class factory<EntrySet>;
00556             // ----- constructor ----------------------------------------
00558             protected:
00559                 /**
00560                 * @internal
00561                 */
00562                 EntrySet(SafeHashMap::Handle hMap);
00564                 /**
00565                 * @internal
00566                 */
00567                 EntrySet(SafeHashMap::View vMap);
00569             private:
00570                 /**
00571                 * @internal
00572                 */
00573                 EntrySet(const Entry& that);
00575             // ----- Set interface --------------------------------------
00577             public:
00578                 /**
00579                 * {@inheritDoc}
00580                 */
00581                 virtual Iterator::Handle iterator() const;
00583                 /**
00584                 * {@inheritDoc}
00585                 */
00586                 virtual Muterator::Handle iterator();
00588                 /**
00589                 * {@inheritDoc}
00590                 */
00591                 virtual ObjectArray::Handle toArray(
00592                         ObjectArray::Handle hao = NULL) const;
00593             };
00595         /**
00596         * {@inheritDoc}
00597         */
00598         virtual Set::Handle instantiateEntrySet();
00600         /**
00601         * {@inheritDoc}
00602         */
00603         virtual Set::View instantiateEntrySet() const;
00606     // ----- inner class: KeySet --------------------------------------------
00608     protected:
00609         /**
00610         * A set of entries backed by this map.
00611         */
00612         class KeySet
00613             : public class_spec<KeySet,
00614                 extends<MapKeySet> >
00615             {
00616             friend class factory<KeySet>;
00618             // ----- constructor ----------------------------------------
00620             protected:
00621                 /**
00622                 * @internal
00623                 */
00624                 KeySet(SafeHashMap::Handle hMap);
00626                 /**
00627                 * @internal
00628                 */
00629                 KeySet(SafeHashMap::View vMap);
00632             // ----- Set interface --------------------------------------
00634             protected:
00635                 /**
00636                 * {@inheritDoc}
00637                 */
00638                 virtual ObjectArray::Handle toArray(
00639                         ObjectArray::Handle hoa = NULL) const;
00640             };
00642         /**
00643         * {@inheritDoc}
00644         */
00645         virtual Set::Handle instantiateKeySet();
00647         /**
00648         * {@inheritDoc}
00649         */
00650         virtual Set::View instantiateKeySet() const;
00653     // ----- inner class: ValuesCollection ----------------------------------
00655     protected:
00656         /**
00657         * A set of entries backed by this map.
00658         */
00659         class ValuesCollection
00660             : public class_spec<ValuesCollection,
00661                 extends<MapValuesCollection> >
00662             {
00663             friend class factory<ValuesCollection>;
00665             // ----- constructor ----------------------------------------
00667             protected:
00668                 /**
00669                 * @internal
00670                 */
00671                 ValuesCollection(SafeHashMap::Handle hMap);
00673                 /**
00674                 * @internal
00675                 */
00676                 ValuesCollection(SafeHashMap::View vMap);
00678             // ----- Collection interface -------------------------------
00680             public:
00681                 /**
00682                 * {@inheritDoc}
00683                 */
00684                 virtual ObjectArray::Handle toArray(
00685                         ObjectArray::Handle hoa = NULL) const;
00686             };
00688         /**
00689         * {@inheritDoc}
00690         */
00691         virtual Collection::Handle instantiateValuesCollection();
00693         /**
00694         * {@inheritDoc}
00695         */
00696         virtual Collection::View instantiateValuesCollection() const;
00699     // ----- ObservableMap interface ----------------------------------------
00701     public:
00702         /**
00703         * {@inheritDoc}
00704         */
00705         virtual void addKeyListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00706                 Object::View vKey, bool fLite);
00708         /**
00709         * {@inheritDoc}
00710         */
00711         virtual void removeKeyListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00712                 Object::View vKey);
00714         /**
00715         * {@inheritDoc}
00716         */
00717         virtual void addMapListener(MapListener::Handle hListener);
00719         /**
00720         * {@inheritDoc}
00721         */
00722         virtual void removeMapListener(MapListener::Handle hListener);
00724         /**
00725         * {@inheritDoc}
00726         */
00727         virtual void addFilterListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00728                 Filter::View vFilter = NULL, bool fLite = false);
00730         /**
00731         * {@inheritDoc}
00732         */
00733         virtual void removeFilterListener(MapListener::Handle hListener,
00734                 Filter::View vFilter = NULL);
00737     // ----- Map interface --------------------------------------------------
00739     public:
00740         /**
00741         * {@inheritDoc}
00742         */
00743         virtual bool isEmpty() const;
00745         /**
00746         * {@inheritDoc}
00747         */
00748         virtual size32_t size() const;
00750         /**
00751         * {@inheritDoc}
00752         */
00753         virtual bool containsKey(Object::View vKey) const;
00755         /**
00756         * {@inheritDoc}
00757         */
00758         virtual Object::Holder get(Object::View vKey) const;
00760         /**
00761         * {@inheritDoc}
00762         */
00763         using Map::get;
00765         /**
00766         * {@inheritDoc}
00767         */
00768         virtual Object::Holder put(Object::View vKey, Object::Holder ohValue);
00770         /**
00771         * {@inheritDoc}
00772         */
00773         virtual Object::Holder remove(Object::View vKey);
00774         using Map::remove;
00776         /**
00777         * {@inheritDoc}
00778         */
00779         virtual void clear();
00782     // ----- CacheMap interface ---------------------------------------------
00783     public:
00784         /**
00785         * {@inheritDoc}
00786         */
00787         virtual Object::Holder put(Object::View vKey, Object::Holder ohValue,
00788                 int64_t cMillis);
00790         /**
00791         * {@inheritDoc}
00792         */
00793         virtual Map::View getAll(Collection::View vColKeys) const;
00796     // ----- Cache management methods ---------------------------------------
00798     public:
00799         /**
00800         * Release local resources associated with the Cache.
00801         *
00802         * Releasing a cache makes it no longer usable
00803         */
00804         virtual void release();
00806         /**
00807         * Evict a specified key from the cache, as if it had expired from the
00808         * cache. If the key is not in the cache, then the method has no effect.
00809         *
00810         * @param oKey  the key to evict from the cache
00811         */
00812         virtual void evict(Object::View vKey);
00814         /**
00815         * Evict the specified keys from the cache, as if they had each expired
00816         * from the cache.
00817         *
00818         * The result of this method is defined to be semantically the same as
00819         * the following implementation:
00820         *
00821         * <tt>
00822         * for (Iterator iter = colKeys.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
00823         *     {
00824         *     Object oKey =;
00825         *     evict(oKey);
00826         *     }
00827         * </tt>
00828         *
00829         * @param colKeys  a collection of keys to evict from the cache
00830         */
00831         virtual void evictAll(Collection::View vColKeys);
00833         /**
00834         * Evict all entries from the cache that are no longer valid, and
00835         * potentially prune the cache size if the cache is size-limited
00836         * and its size is above the caching low water mark.
00837         */
00838         virtual void evict();
00840         /**
00841         * Returns the CacheStatistics for this cache.
00842         *
00843         * @return a CacheStatistics object
00844         */
00845         virtual CacheStatistics::View getCacheStatistics() const;
00847         /**
00848         * Returns the CacheStatistics for this cache.
00849         *
00850         * @return a CacheStatistics object
00851         */
00852         virtual CacheStatistics::Handle getCacheStatistics();
00854         /**
00855         * Determine the number of units that the cache currently stores.
00856         *
00857         * @return the current size of the cache in units
00858         */
00859         virtual size32_t getUnits() const;
00861         /**
00862         * Determine the limit of the cache size in units. The cache will prune
00863         * itself automatically once it reaches its maximum unit level. This is
00864         * often referred to as the "high water mark" of the cache.
00865         *
00866         * @return the limit of the cache size in units
00867         */
00868         virtual size32_t getHighUnits() const;
00870         /**
00871         * Update the maximum size of the cache in units. This is often referred
00872         * to as the "high water mark" of the cache.
00873         *
00874         * @param cMax  the new maximum size of the cache, in units
00875         */
00876         virtual void setHighUnits(size32_t cMax);
00878         /**
00879         * Determine the point to which the cache will shrink when it prunes.
00880         * This is often referred to as a "low water mark" of the cache.
00881         *
00882         * @return the number of units that the cache prunes to
00883         */
00884         virtual size32_t getLowUnits() const;
00886         /**
00887         * Specify the point to which the cache will shrink when it prunes.
00888         * This is often referred to as a "low water mark" of the cache.
00889         *
00890         * @param cUnits  the number of units that the cache prunes to
00891         */
00892         virtual void setLowUnits(size32_t cUnits);
00894         /**
00895         * Determine the current eviction type.
00896         *
00897         * @return one of the EVICTION_POLICY_* enumerated values
00898         */
00899         virtual EvictionPolicy::EvictionPolicyType getEvictionType() const;
00901         /**
00902         * Specify the eviction type for the cache. The type can only be
00903         * set to an external policy if an EvictionPolicy object has been
00904         * provided.
00905         *
00906         * @param nType  one of the EVICTION_POLICY_* enumerated values
00907         */
00908         virtual void setEvictionType(EvictionPolicy::EvictionPolicyType nType);
00910         /**
00911         * Determine the current external eviction policy, if any.
00912         *
00913         * @return the external eviction policy, if one has been
00914         *         provided
00915         */
00916         virtual EvictionPolicy::View getEvictionPolicy() const;
00918         /**
00919         * Determine the current external eviction policy, if any.
00920         *
00921         * @return the external eviction policy, if one has been provided
00922         */
00923         virtual EvictionPolicy::Handle getEvictionPolicy();
00925         /**
00926         * Set the external eviction policy, and change the eviction type to
00927         * eviction_policy_external. If null is passed, clear the external
00928         * eviction policy, and use the default internal policy.
00929         *
00930         * @param policy  an external eviction policy, or null to use the default
00931         *                policy
00932         */
00933         virtual void setEvictionPolicy(EvictionPolicy::Handle hPolicy);
00935         /**
00936         * Determine the current unit calculator type.
00937         *
00938         * @return one of the UNIT_CALCULATOR_* enumerated values
00939         */
00940         virtual UnitCalculatorType getUnitCalculatorType() const;
00942         /**
00943         * Specify the unit calculator type for the cache. The type can only be
00944         * set to an external unit calculator if a UnitCalculator object has been
00945         * provided.
00946         *
00947         * @param nType  one of the UNIT_CALCULATOR_* enumerated values
00948         */
00949         virtual void setUnitCalculatorType(UnitCalculatorType nType);
00951         /**
00952         * Determine the current external unit calculator, if any.
00953         *
00954         * @return the external unit calculator, if one has been provided
00955         */
00956         virtual UnitCalculator::View getUnitCalculator() const;
00958         /**
00959         * Set the external unit calculator, and change the unit calculator type to
00960         * unit_calculator_external. If null is passed, clear the external
00961         * unit calculator, and use the default unit calculator.
00962         *
00963         * @param calculator  an external unit calculator, or null to use the default
00964         *                    unit calculator
00965         */
00966         virtual void setUnitCalculator(UnitCalculator::Handle hCalculator);
00968         /**
00969         * Determine the "time to live" for each individual cache entry.
00970         *
00971         * @return the number of milliseconds that a cache entry value will live,
00972         *         or zero if cache entries are never automatically expired
00973         */
00974         virtual int32_t getExpiryDelay() const;
00976         /**
00977         * Specify the "time to live" for cache entries. This does not affect
00978         * the already-scheduled expiry of existing entries.
00979         *
00980         * @param cMillis  the number of milliseconds that cache entries will
00981         *                 live, or zero to disable automatic expiry
00982         */
00983         virtual void setExpiryDelay(int cMillis);
00985         /**
00986         * Determine the delay between cache flushes.
00987         *
00988         * @return the number of milliseconds between cache flushes, or zero which
00989         *         signifies that the cache never flushes
00990         */
00991         virtual int32_t getFlushDelay() const;
00993         /**
00994         * Specify the delay between cache flushes.
00995         *
00996         * @param cMillis  the number of milliseconds between cache flushes, or
00997         *                 zero to never flush
00998         */
00999         virtual void setFlushDelay(int32_t cMillis);
01001         /**
01002         * Determine the date/time at which the next cache flush is scheduled.
01003         * Note that the date/time may be Long.max_value, which implies that a
01004         * flush will never occur. Also note that the cache may internally adjust
01005         * the flush time to prevent a flush from occurring during certain
01006         * processing as a means to raise concurrency.
01007         *
01008         * @return the date/time value, in milliseconds, when the cache will next
01009         *         automatically flush
01010         */
01011         virtual int64_t getFlushTime() const;
01013         /**
01014         * Specify the date/time at which the next cache flush is to occur.
01015         * Note that the date/time may be Long.max_value, which implies that a
01016         * flush will never occur. A time in the past or at the present will
01017         * cause an immediate flush.
01018         *
01019         * @param lMillis  the date/time value, in milliseconds, when the cache
01020         *                 should next automatically flush
01021         */
01022         virtual void setFlushTime(int64_t lMillis);
01024         /**
01025         * Specify if the cache is allowed to hold mutable values.
01026         *
01027         * If false the cache will ensure immutability before caching any value.
01028         *
01029         * @param fAllow  true if the cache is allowed to hold mutable values
01030         */
01031         virtual void setAllowMutableValues(bool fAllow);
01033         /**
01034         * Return whether the cache is allowed to hold mutable values.
01035         *
01036         * If false the cache will ensure immutability before caching any value.
01037         *
01038         * @return  true if the cache is allowed to hold mutable values
01039         */
01040         virtual bool isAllowMutableValues() const;
01042     // ----- statistics -----------------------------------------------------
01044     public:
01045         /**
01046         * Determine the rough number of cache hits since the cache statistics
01047         * were last reset.
01048         *
01049         * @return the number of {@link #get} calls that have been served by
01050         *         existing cache entries
01051         */
01052         virtual int64_t getCacheHits() const;
01054         /**
01055         * Determine the rough number of cache misses since the cache statistics
01056         * were last reset.
01057         *
01058         * @return the number of {@link #get} calls that failed to find an
01059         *         existing cache entry because the requested key was not in the
01060         *         cache
01061         */
01062         virtual int64_t getCacheMisses() const;
01064         /**
01065         * Determine the rough probability (0 <= p <= 1) that any particular
01066         * {@link #get} invocation will be satisfied by an existing entry in
01067         * the cache, based on the statistics collected since the last reset
01068         * of the cache statistics.
01069         *
01070         * @return the cache hit probability (0 <= p <= 1)
01071         */
01072         virtual float64_t getHitProbability() const;
01074         /**
01075         * Reset the cache statistics.
01076         */
01077         virtual void resetHitStatistics();
01080     // ----- Object interface -----------------------------------------------
01082     public:
01083         /**
01084         * {@inheritDoc}
01085         */
01086         virtual TypedHandle<const String> toString() const;
01089     // ----- helper methods -------------------------------------------------
01091     public:
01092         /**
01093         * {@inheritDoc}
01094         */
01095         virtual SafeHashMap::Entry::View getEntry(Object::View vKey) const;
01097         /**
01098         * {@inheritDoc}
01099         */
01100         virtual SafeHashMap::Entry::Handle getEntry(Object::View vKey);
01102     protected:
01103         /**
01104         * Configure the eviction type and policy.
01105         *
01106         * @param nType   one of the EVICTION_POLICY_* enumerated values
01107         * @param hPolicy  an external eviction policy, or null
01108         */
01109         virtual void configureEviction(EvictionPolicy::EvictionPolicyType nType,
01110                 EvictionPolicy::Handle hPolicy);
01112         /**
01113         * Configure the unit calculator type and implementation.
01114         *
01115         * @param nType       one of the UNIT_CALCULATOR_* enumerated values
01116         * @param hCalculator  an external unit calculator, or null
01117         */
01118         virtual void configureUnitCalculator(UnitCalculatorType nType,
01119                 UnitCalculator::Handle hCalculator);
01121         /**
01122         * Locate an Entry in the hash map based on its key. If the Entry has
01123         * expired, it is removed from the hash map.
01124         *
01125         * Unlike the {@link #getEntry} method, this method does not flush the cache
01126         * (if necessary) or update cache statistics.
01127         *
01128         * @param oKey the key object to search for
01129         *
01130         * @return the Entry or null if the entry is not found in the hash map or
01131         *         has expired
01132         */
01133         virtual SafeHashMap::Entry::Handle getEntryInternal(Object::View vKey) const;
01135         /**
01136         * Check if the cache is timed out, and clear if it is.
01137         */
01138         virtual void checkFlush() const;
01140         /**
01141         * Check if the cache is timed out, and clear if it is.
01142         */
01143         virtual void checkFlush();
01145         /**
01146         * Remove an entry because it has expired.
01147         *
01148         * @param vEntry           the expired cache entry
01149         * @param fRemoveInternal  true if the cache entry still needs to be
01150         *                         removed from the cache
01151         */
01152         virtual void removeExpired(Entry::View vEntry, bool fRemoveInternal) const;
01154         /**
01155         * Remove an entry because it has expired.
01156         *
01157         * @param hEntry           the expired cache entry
01158         * @param fRemoveInternal  true if the cache entry still needs to be
01159         *                         removed from the cache
01160         */
01161         virtual void removeExpired(Entry::Handle hEntry, bool fRemoveInternal);
01163         /**
01164         * Increment the current size
01165         */
01166         virtual void incrementUnits(size32_t cDelta);
01168         /**
01169         * Decrement the current size
01170         */
01171         virtual void decrementUnits(size32_t cDelta);
01173         /**
01174         * Check if the cache is too big, and if it is prune it by discarding the
01175         * lowest priority cache entries.
01176         */
01177         virtual void checkSize();
01179         /**
01180         * Prune the cache by discarding the lowest priority cache entries.
01181         */
01182         virtual void prune();
01184         /**
01185         * Defer the next flush by scheduling it for infinity and beyond.
01186         */
01187         virtual void deferFlush();
01189         /**
01190         * Schedule the next flush.
01191         */
01192         virtual void scheduleFlush();
01194         /**
01195         * Factory pattern: instantiate a new MapEvent corresponding
01196         * to the specified parameters.
01197         *
01198         * @return a new instance of the MapEvent class (or a subclass thereof)
01199         */
01200         virtual MapEvent::Handle instantiateMapEvent(
01201                 int32_t nId, Object::View vKey, Object::Holder ohValueOld, Object::Holder ohValueNew);
01204     // ----- event dispatching ----------------------------------------------
01206     protected:
01207         /**
01208         * Accessor for the MapListenerSupport for sub-classes.
01209         *
01210         * @return the MapListenerSupport, or null if there are no listeners
01211         */
01212         virtual MapListenerSupport::Handle getMapListenerSupport();
01214         /**
01215         * Determine if the OverflowMap has any listeners at all.
01216         *
01217         * @return true iff this OverflowMap has at least one MapListener
01218         */
01219         virtual bool hasListeners();
01221         /**
01222         * Dispatch the passed event.
01223         *
01224         * @param hEvt  a CacheEvent object
01225         */
01226         virtual void dispatchEvent(MapEvent::Handle hEvt);
01229     // ----- data members ---------------------------------------------------
01231     protected:
01232         /**
01233         * The current number of units in the cache. A unit is an undefined means
01234         * of measuring cached values, and must be 0 or positive. The particular
01235         * Entry implementation being used defines the meaning of unit.
01236         */
01237         size32_t  m_cCurUnits;
01239         /**
01240         * The number of units to allow the cache to grow to before pruning.
01241         */
01242         size32_t  m_cMaxUnits;
01244         /**
01245         * The percentage of the total number of units that will remain after
01246         * the cache manager prunes the cache (i.e. this is the "low water
01247         * mark" value); this value is in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
01248         */
01249         float64_t  m_dflPruneLevel;
01251         /**
01252         * The number of units to prune the cache down to.
01253         */
01254         size32_t  m_cPruneUnits;
01256         /**
01257         * The number of milliseconds that a value will live in the cache.
01258         * Zero indicates no timeout.
01259         */
01260         size32_t m_cExpiryDelay;
01262         /**
01263         * The interval between full cache flushes, in milliseconds.
01264         */
01265         int32_t  m_cFlushDelay;
01267         /**
01268         * The time (ie System.currentTimeMillis) at which the next full cache
01269         * flush should occur.
01270         */
01271         Volatile<int64_t> m_lNextFlush;
01273         /**
01274         * The CacheStatistics object maintained by this cache.
01275         */
01276         mutable FinalHandle<SimpleCacheStatistics> f_hStats;
01278         /**
01279         * The MapListenerSupport object.
01280         */
01281         MemberHandle<MapListenerSupport> m_hListenerSupport;
01283         /**
01284         * The type of eviction policy employed by the cache; one of the
01285         * EVICTION_POLICY_* enumerated values.
01286         */
01287         EvictionPolicy::EvictionPolicyType m_nEvictionType;
01289         /**
01290         * The eviction policy; for eviction type eviction_policy_external.
01291         */
01292         MemberHandle<EvictionPolicy> m_hPolicy;
01294         /**
01295         * The type of unit calculator employed by the cache; one of the
01296         * UNIT_CALCULATOR_* enumerated values.
01297         */
01298         UnitCalculatorType m_CalculatorType;
01300         /**
01301         * The external unit calculator.
01302         */
01303         MemberView<UnitCalculator> m_vCalculator;
01305         /**
01306         * The last time that a prune was run. This value is used by the
01307         * hybrid eviction policy.
01308         * @since Coherence 3.5
01309         */
01310         int64_t m_lLastPrune;
01312         /**
01313         * For a prune cycle, this value is the average number of touches that
01314         * an entry should have. This value is used by the hybrid eviction
01315         * policy.
01316         * @since Coherence 3.5
01317         */
01318         size32_t m_cAvgTouch;
01320         /**
01321         * Allow mutable values.
01322         */
01323         bool m_fAllowMutableValues;
01325     // ----- friends --------------------------------------------------------
01327     friend class IteratorFilter;
01328     friend class KeySet;
01329     };
01333 #endif // COH_LOCAL_CACHE_HPP
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