Oracle® Fusion Middleware C++ API Reference for Oracle Coherence
14c (



00001 /*
00002 * XmlValue.hpp
00003 *
00004 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
00005 *
00006 * Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
00007 * affiliates.
00008 *
00009 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Oracle
00010 * Corporation. You shall not disclose such confidential and proprietary
00011 * information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
00012 * license agreement you entered into with Oracle.
00013 *
00014 * This notice may not be removed or altered.
00015 */
00016 #ifndef COH_XML_VALUE_HPP
00017 #define COH_XML_VALUE_HPP
00019 #include "coherence/lang.ns"
00021 #include <ostream>
00023 COH_OPEN_NAMESPACE3(coherence,run,xml)
00025 class XmlElement;
00028 /**
00029 * An interface for XML element content and element attribute values.
00030 *
00031 * @author tb  2007.12.12
00032 */
00033 class COH_EXPORT XmlValue
00034     : public interface_spec<XmlValue>
00035     {
00036     // ----- XmlValue interface ---------------------------------------------
00038     public:
00039         /**
00040         * Get the value as a bool.  If the internal value cannot be
00041         * translated into a bool, the supplied default value is
00042         * returned.
00043         *
00044         * @param fDefault  the default return value
00045         *
00046         * @return the value as a bool or the default value
00047         */
00048         virtual bool getBoolean(bool fDefault = false) const = 0;
00050         /**
00051         * Set the value as a bool.
00052         *
00053         * @param fValue  a new value of type bool
00054         */
00055         virtual void setBoolean(bool fValue) = 0;
00057         /**
00058         * Get the value as an integer.  If the internal value cannot be
00059         * translated into int32_t, the supplied default value is
00060         * returned.
00061         *
00062         * @param nDefault  the default return value
00063         *
00064         * @return the value as int32_t or the default value
00065         */
00066         virtual int32_t getInt32(int32_t nDefault = 0) const = 0;
00068         /**
00069         * Set the integer value.
00070         *
00071         * @param nValue  a new value of type int32_t
00072         */
00073         virtual void setInt32(int32_t nValue) = 0;
00075         /**
00076         * Get the value as a String.  If the internal value cannot be
00077         * translated into a String, the supplied default value is
00078         * returned.
00079         *
00080         * @param vsDefault  the default return value
00081         *
00082         * @return the value as a String or the default value
00083         */
00084         virtual String::View getString(String::View vsDefault = "") const = 0;
00086         /**
00087         * Set the String value.
00088         *
00089         * @param vsValue  a new value of type String
00090         */
00091         virtual void setString(String::View vsValue) = 0;
00093         /**
00094         * Get the value as an Object.  The following types are
00095         * supported:
00096         *
00097         * <ul>
00098         * <li>{@link coherence::lang::Boolean}</li>
00099         * <li>{@link coherence::lang::Integer32}</li>
00100         * <li>{@link coherence::lang::String}</li>
00101         * </ul>
00102         *
00103         * It is always legal for an implementation to return the value as a
00104         * String.
00105         *
00106         * @return the value as an Object or NULL if the XmlValue does
00107         *         not have a value; attributes never have a NULL value
00108         */
00109         virtual Object::View getValue() const = 0;
00111         /**
00112         * Get the parent element of this value.
00113         *
00114         * @return the parent element, or NULL if this value
00115         *         has no parent
00116         */
00117         virtual TypedHandle<XmlElement> getParent() = 0;
00119         /**
00120         * Get the parent element of this value as a view.
00121         *
00122         * @return the parent element, or NULL if this value
00123         *         has no parent
00124         */
00125         virtual TypedHandle<const XmlElement> getParent() const = 0;
00127         /**
00128         * Set the parent element of this value. Once set, the parent
00129         * cannot be reset.
00130         *
00131         * @param hElement  the parent element
00132         *
00133         * @throws coherence::lang::IllegalArgumentException
00134         *         if the specified parent is NULL
00135         * @throws coherence::lang::IllegalStateException
00136         *         if the parent is already set
00137         */
00138         virtual void setParent(TypedHandle<XmlElement> hElement) = 0;
00140         /**
00141         * Determine if the value is empty.
00142         *
00143         * @return true if the value is empty, false otherwise
00144         */
00145         virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;
00147         /**
00148         * Determine if this value is an element attribute.
00149         *
00150         * @return true if this value is an element attribute, false
00151         *         otherwise
00152         */
00153         virtual bool isAttribute() const = 0;
00155         /**
00156         * Determine if this value is an element's content.
00157         *
00158         * @return true if this value is an element's content, false
00159         *         otherwise
00160         */
00161         virtual bool isContent() const = 0;
00163         /**
00164         * Format the value as XML.
00165         *
00166         * @return the XML formatted string
00167         */
00168         virtual String::View formatValue() const = 0;
00170         /**
00171         * Write the value as XML.
00172         *
00173         * @param out  an std::ostream to write to
00174         */
00175         COH_INLINE void writeValue(std::ostream& out) const
00176             {
00177             out << formatValue();
00178             }
00180     // ----- enumerated types useful for implementating this interface ------
00182     public:
00183         static const int32_t type_boolean    = 1;
00184         static const int32_t type_int        = 2;
00185         static const int32_t type_long       = 3;
00186         static const int32_t type_double     = 4;
00187         static const int32_t type_decimal    = 5;
00188         static const int32_t type_string     = 6;
00189         static const int32_t type_binary     = 7;
00190         static const int32_t type_date       = 8;
00191         static const int32_t type_time       = 9;
00192         static const int32_t type_datetime   = 10;
00193     };
00197 #endif // COH_XML_VALUE_HPP
Copyright © 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.