Coherence*Web REST Endpoints

The Coherence*Web resource provides a set of endpoints for managing caches that are used for storing HTTP session data. Use this resource to access operational information and performance statistics. Management data is aggregated across all cluster members or it can be viewed for each cluster member. Applications should initially use this resource to discover web application IDs. Application IDs are required to access management data. This API is available only when you use the Coherence Enterprise Edition.
Clear Stored Coherence*Web Application Member Configuration
Method: post
Path: /management/coherence/cluster/webApplications/{appId}/members/{memberIdentifier}/clearStoredConfiguration
View Coherence*Web Application Information
Method: get
Path: /management/coherence/cluster/webApplications/{appId}
View Coherence*Web Application Member Information
Method: get
Path: /management/coherence/cluster/webApplications/{appId}/members/{memberIdentifier}
View Coherence*Web Application Members
Method: get
Path: /management/coherence/cluster/webApplications/{appId}/members
View Coherence*Web Applications
Method: get
Path: /management/coherence/cluster/webApplications