Perform a Cluster wide Java Flight Recorder (JFR) operation



Use this endpoint to perform a JFR operation on members that are configured with a specific role. You can omit the role if you want to perform the operation on all members. Example: jfrStart?options=name=myJfr,duration=60s,filename=$jfrFolder/myRecording.jfr The $jfrFolder must already exist on the node where the JFR is taken. If no folder is specified, the JFR recording will be saved in the current directory of the MBeanServer. To ensure global file name, we prepend the file name with the node ID. So for node with ID 3, the file name will be $jfrFolder/3-myRecording.jfr. The filename can be a path and if so, the JFR dump will be created in $path/$nodeId-$jfrName.jfr. For example, if the input JFR options is "name=foo,filename=/myJfrdir", the node ID is 3, then the resulting JFR filename would be: "/myJfrdir/3-foo.jfr".


Path Parameters
  • The JFR command with its options. Valid commands are: jfrStart: start a JFR recording jfrStop: stop a JFR recording jfrDump: dump the JFR recording to a file jfrCheck: check the status of a JFR recording See the jcmd JFR command for more information. Example: jfrStart?options=name=myJfr,duration=60s,filename=$jfrFolder/myRecording.jfr The $jfrFolder must already exist on the node where the JFR is taken. If no folder is specified, the JFR recording will be saved in the current directory of the MBeanServer. In the case of role based cluster wide operation, the filename can be a path and if so, the JFR recording will be stored in $name-$nodeId.jfr
Query Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

If the command invocation is successful, it returns the messages returned by jcmd from executing the command on each node. If the command invocation fails, it returns the exception for each node.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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